Model Shift and Strange Attractor on MLbius Strip
摘要: 给出了双边符号空间上的一种新的拟移位映射,得到了它与传统的移位映射拓扑共轭.类似Smale马蹄,对这种拟移位映射给出了一个模型,即在MLbius带上给出一类映射.同时刻划了这类映射的吸引子的结构及动力学行为.Abstract: A new model shift mapping was given in bilateral symbol space.It is topologically conjugate with the traditional shift mapping.Similar to Smale Horseshoe,a model was constructed correspondent to the model shift mapping,i.e.a class of mapping on MLbius strip was given.Its attractors.structure and dynamical behaviour were described.
Key words:
- model shift mapping /
- MLbius strip /
- chaos /
- strange attractor
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