Modules Over Double Crossproducts of Skew-Hopf Pairs
摘要: 研究了Skew-Hopf对的二重交叉积D(X,A)的表示模,得到了M成为D(X,A)的表示模的充要条件;D(X,A)-模与量子Yang-Baxter X-模、A-模之间的联系也被揭示出来。
- Skew-Hopf对 /
- 二重交叉积 /
- 表示模 /
- (量子)Yang-Baxter模
Abstract: The purpose is to study modules of double crossproducts D(X,A) of Skew-Hopf pairs (X,A). A sufficient and necessary condition for M to be D(X,A)-mod is shown. Relations between D(X,A)-mod and quantam Yang-Baxter A-mod or X-mod are revealed.-
Key words:
- Skew-Hopf pair /
- double crossproduct /
- module /
- quantum Yang-Baxter module
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