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张石生. 关于Banach空间中增生和伪压缩型映象迭代序列的收敛性问题[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2002, 23(4): 359-370.
引用本文: 张石生. 关于Banach空间中增生和伪压缩型映象迭代序列的收敛性问题[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2002, 23(4): 359-370.
ZHANG Shi-sheng. Some Convergence Problem of Iterative Sequences for Accretive and Pseudo-Contractive Type Mappings in Banach Spaces[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2002, 23(4): 359-370.
Citation: ZHANG Shi-sheng. Some Convergence Problem of Iterative Sequences for Accretive and Pseudo-Contractive Type Mappings in Banach Spaces[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2002, 23(4): 359-370.



    张石生(1934- ),男,云南曲靖人,教授,已发表论文300余篇,获部省级奖6项.

  • 中图分类号: O177.91

Some Convergence Problem of Iterative Sequences for Accretive and Pseudo-Contractive Type Mappings in Banach Spaces

  • 摘要: 得出了Banach空间中增生和伪压缩型映象Ishikawa、Mann和最速下降序列强收敛于其不动点的充分必要条件.所得结果推广、改进和包含了某些最新的结果.
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  • 收稿日期:  2000-12-12
  • 修回日期:  2001-11-05
  • 刊出日期:  2002-04-15


