A Stress Vector-Based Constitutive Model for Cohesionless Soil(Ⅰ)-Theory
摘要: 在充分考虑应力的矢量特性基础上,通过将应力矢量的作用效应分解为球应力作用效应与应力比矢量 (偏应力矢量与球应力之比)作用效应的叠加,建立了一个全新的、适用于无粘性土在平面应变和三维条件下的非线性本构模型。该模型可以同时考虑应力的数量和方向变化对变形的影响,既适用于单调静荷作用,也适用于往返动荷作用。Abstract: On the basis of the sufficient consideration of vectorial characteristics of stress,a new nonlinear constitutive model for cohesionless soil under plane strain and 3-D conditions was presented in a way that the action effects of stress vector are decomposed into the action effect of mean effective stress and that of the stress ratio vector(ratio of deviatoric stress vector to mean effective stress).The constitutive model can take account of the influence of both numerical and directional changes of stress vector on deformation of soil simultaneously,and is applicable of both static and dynamic loading.
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