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丁协平 张红琳

丁协平, 张红琳. φ-半压缩算子和φ-强增殖算子方程的迭代[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2000, 21(11): 1133-1139.
引用本文: 丁协平, 张红琳. φ-半压缩算子和φ-强增殖算子方程的迭代[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2000, 21(11): 1133-1139.
DING Xie-ping, ZHANG Hong-lin. Iterative Process to φ-Hemicontractive Operator and φ-Strongly Accretive Operator Equations[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2000, 21(11): 1133-1139.
Citation: DING Xie-ping, ZHANG Hong-lin. Iterative Process to φ-Hemicontractive Operator and φ-Strongly Accretive Operator Equations[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2000, 21(11): 1133-1139.


基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(19871059)

    丁协平(1938- ),男,四川自贡人,教授,数学研究所所长.

  • 中图分类号: O177.91

Iterative Process to φ-Hemicontractive Operator and φ-Strongly Accretive Operator Equations

  • 摘要:E是任意实Banach空间,K是E的非空闭凸子集.T:K→K是一致连续φ-半压缩映像且值域有界.设{an},{bn},{cn},{a'n},{b'n}和{c'n}是[0,1]中的序列且满足条件:ⅰ)an+bn+cn=a'n+b'n+c'n=1,∀n≥0; 对任意给定的x0,u0,v0∈K,定义Ishikawa迭代{xn}如下:,其中un和vnK中两个有界序列.则xn强收敛于T的唯一不动点.最后研究了φ-强增殖算子方程解的Ishikawa迭代收敛性.
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  • 收稿日期:  1999-06-21
  • 修回日期:  2000-09-20
  • 刊出日期:  2000-11-15


