Numerical Computation of the Flow Around Two Square Cylinders Arranged Side by Side
摘要: 用数值方法研究了绕流两并列方柱的气动力及其相互干扰.使用了陈素琴等人提出的对流项用三阶逆风格式的带多重网格的改进的MAC方法,对两并列方柱的流场进行了模拟.结果表明:两并列方柱在不同的间距比时其干扰特征有很大的不同,小间距比时出现双稳态偏流,流动并不对称于双方柱间隙的中心轴线,而是偏向其中的一个方柱.Abstract: The numerical method is used to calculate the flow around two square cylinders arranged side by side and the mean and fluctuating aerodynamic forces,Strouhal numbers and power spectrum of lift force and drag force are obtained.An improved MAC method proposed by Chen Suqin et al., which uses three order upwind scheme to discretize the convection term and uses multigrid method to solve the Poisson equation for pressure is applied to simulate the flow around two square cylinders arranged side by side.Results show that the interference characteristic of two square cylinders arranged side by side is completely different with the different spacing ratio,when the spacing ratio is smaller than a certain critical value,the gap flow between two cylinders is biased to one side in a stable or unstable manner.
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