On the Maximal Lyapunov Exponent for a Real Noise Parametrically Excited Co-Dimension Two Bifurcation System(Ⅱ)
摘要: 对于三维中心流形上实噪声参激的一类余维2分叉系统,为使模型更具有一般性,取系统的参激实噪声为一线性滤波系统的输出-零均值的平稳高斯扩散过程,满足细致平衡条件.并在此基础上首次使用Arnold的渐近方法以及Fokker-Planck算子的特征谱展式,求解不变测度以及最大的Lyapunov指数的渐近展式.Abstract: Foraco-dimension two bifurcation system on a three-dimensional central manifold, which is parametrically excited by a real noise, a rather general model is obtained by assuming that the real noise is an output of a linear filter system-a zeromean stationary Gaussian diffusion process which satisfies detailed balance condition. By means of the asymptotic analysis approach given by L. Arnold and the expression of the eigenvalue spectrum of Fokker-Planck operator, the asymptotic expansions of invariant measure and maximal Lyapunov exponent for the relevant system are obtained.
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