The “Rebel Travelling” of General Nonlinear Evolutional Equation and Discussion on Related Problems
摘要: 本文为系列讨论非线性演化方程“自身摧毁效应”的工作之一.文献[1,2]已讨论了流体力学的Navier-Stockes方程非线性演化的溃变.本文又进行了某些扩展,并涉及一、二阶模型的溃变和高阶复合型的“暴力进程”.结果表明,某些模型可在一定条件出现“半破裂”;溃变体现在整体演化中;对流体而言,弱非线性模型的人为性较强,且基于连续性思维的数值积分的平滑格式,及类似的作法或提法有待商榷.Abstract: This paper is a part of series works for diseussing the "auto-destruction effects" of general nonlinear evolutional equations.The blown-up of Navier-Stockes equation isdiscussed in references [1,2].Some expansion is made in this paper,and the blown-upof ordere-1 or 2 models and the "rebel travelling" of complex model of poly-order arediscussed.The results indicate that "semi-rupture" applears for some models on specific condition the blown-up appears during the whole evolution.For fluid however,the weadly-nonlinear model is of more artificiality and there is much room for arguing about the smoothing scheme of the numerical integral on the basis of continuous thinking and so on.
Key words:
- “rebel travelling”,blown-up“semi-rupture” /
- whole evolution /
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