Anisotropic Effects of Quasi-Isotropic Composites(Ⅰ)──Modelling
摘要: 实验观测表明,准各向同性材料,如N轴纤维增强复合材料层合板和编织材料,其面内刚度和强度具有不同程度的方向性,且强度的各向异性程度往往明显高于弹性性质的各向异性程度。本文根据张量函数表示理论所提出的本构方程和强度准则的一般模型,结合有关实验数据,分析了材料弹性性能和强度的非各向同性效应。具体给出了几类本构模型和强度准则的特殊形式并讨论了本文所得到结果的若干力学性质。本文第Ⅱ部分具体讨论了含单个椭圆孔或裂纹的无限大板的有关强度的各向异性效应,并用细观力学方法检验了本文的模型。Abstract: Experimental obseryations show that quasi-isotropic materials, such as N-axial fibre-reinforced composites and woven materials, exhibit various degrees of anisotrpy in elasticity and strength, and the anisotropy in strengty is normally stronger than that in elasticity.In view of some available experimental data and based on the general formulation of the constitutive equations and failure criteria of quasi-isotropic materials established by using the theory of repesentations for tensor functions, we postulate several applicable models of the constitutive equations and strength for 3 and 4-axial quasi-isotropic materials to reveal the anisotropic effects In a continued work (Part II) the anisotropic effect in strength of an infintely large plate with a single elliptical hole or crack is studied, and the proposed stiffness and strength modelsare verified in terms of micro-mechanical analyses.
Key words:
- quasi-isotropy /
- composites /
- anisotropic effects /
- constitutive equation /
- strength rules
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