Green Function on Two-Phase Saturated Medium by Concentrated Force in Two-Dimensional Displacement Field
摘要: 由于工程场地的对称性,集中力作用下的位移场Green函数在土力学、地震工程学和动力基础方面的应用需以二维模型出现.在理论推导上Green函数的二维模型要比三维模型复杂.根据丁伯阳等人已得到的三维位移场中集中力作用下两相饱和介质位移场Green函数,采用De Hoop与Manolis给出的沿x3方向在无穷域积分方法,得到了集中力作用下两相饱和介质二维位移场Green函数.相比已有的工作,所得结果不仅简单,且是解析解.Abstract: The Green function on two-phase saturated medium by concentrated force has a broad and important use in seismology, seismic engineering, soil mechanics, geophysics, dynamic foundation theory and so on. According to the Green function on two-phase saturated medium by concentrated force in three-dimentional displacement field obtained by Ding Bo-yang et al, it gives out the Green function in two-dimensional displacement field by infinite integral method along X3 direction derived by De Hoop and Manolis. The method adopted in the thesis is simpler. The result will be simplified to the boundary element method of dynamic problem.
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