Feasible Region Study on Main Dimensions of CALM Buoys
为了能够设计合理的单点浮筒主尺度,归纳提出了悬链式单点浮筒5条主要设计原则。基于实际工程经验给出了浮筒重量的母型预估方法,探讨储备浮力,提出等干舷方案集,基于静力学原理和水动力分析探讨了浮筒的自由漂浮稳性及浮筒的运动响应,梳理了垂荡及摇摆随浮筒直径的变化规律。以25 m和100 m水深的浮筒直径上限和下限为边界建立可行域,分别以三个实际项目采纳的浮筒直径和45 m水深下单点浮筒直径的可行范围为参考,开展浮筒直径可行域的验证。研究表明:环境条件等不同因素也会引起相同水深下浮筒直径可行域的变化,因此在可行域的实际应用中应进一步考虑一定的偏差裕量。该文的可行域研究对于悬链式单点浮筒的主尺度确定具有积极的指导意义。
Abstract:To design reasonable main dimensions of catenary anchor leg mooring (CALM) buoys, 5 main design requirements were summarized. Based on practical engineering experiences, the mother model estimation method was established against the buoy weight. The reserve buoyancy was discussed, and the equal freeboard scheme set was proposed. The free floating stability of buoys was discussed based on the statics principle. Dynamic responses of buoys were discussed base on hydrodynamics, with the heave and roll characteristic vs. CALM buoy diameters presented. With the upper and lower limits on buoy diameters under 25 m and 100 m water depths as the boundary, a feasible region was built up. Its accuracy was verified in the actual engineer case under the 3 environmental conditions and by reference to the theoretical CALM buoy diameter feasible region under the 45 m water depth. The results show that, different factors, such as the environmental conditions, the mooring chain weight and others can influence the feasible region of buoy diameters, even under the same water depth. A deviation margin of the feasible region should be further considered in practical application. The study of the feasible region has a positive guiding significance to the determination of the main dimensions of CALM buoys.
Key words:
- CALM buoy /
- main dimension /
- feasible region
表 1 环境条件
Table 1. Environmental conditions
parameter unit project 1 project 2 project 3 operating condition standalone condition operating condition standalone condition operating condition standalone condition $ {H}_{\mathrm{s}} $ m 2.5 6 2.6 3.9 3 13 $ {T}_{\mathrm{p}} $ s 7.1 10.3 7.5 8.5 9.2 14.7 $ {V}_{\mathrm{w}} $ m/s 17.1 28.3 22 26 23.6 41.6 $ {V}_{\mathrm{c}} $ m/s 1.2 1.73 0.7 0.8 1.22 2.1 表 2 油轮参数
Table 2. Tanker parameters
parameter unit full loading ballast $ T $ m 22.6 9.937 $\varDelta$ kg 3.671 2E+8 1.438 3E+8 $ {X}_{\mathrm{c}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}} $ m 170.18 171.04 $ {Y}_{\mathrm{c}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}} $ m 0 0 $ {Z}_{\mathrm{c}\mathrm{o}\mathrm{g}} $ m 17.3 11.62 $ {I}_{xx} $ kg·m2 8.26E+10 6.564E+10 $ {I}_{yy} $ kg·m2 2.35E+12 9.53E+11 $ {I}_{zz} $ kg·m2 2.35E+12 9.53E+11 表 3 等干舷方案浮筒型深
Table 3. Buoy depths with equal freeboards
D/m buoy depth with equal freeboard $ {W}_{\mathrm{F}\mathrm{B}} $/m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=25 m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=45 m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=100 m 10 6.44 7.16 13.62 11 5.77 6.29 11.85 12 5.30 5.67 10.54 13 4.95 5.21 9.55 14 4.69 4.85 8.76 15 4.48 4.57 8.14 16 4.31 4.34 7.63 17 4.17 4.15 7.20 18 4.05 3.99 6.85 表 4 浮筒初稳心高
$ {H}_{\overline{GM}} $ Table 4. Buoy initial metacentric heights
D/m buoy initial metacentric height $ {H}_{\overline{GM}} $/m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=25 m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=45 m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=100 m 10 −0.51 −1.66 −5.17 11 0.38 −0.70 −3.89 12 1.37 0.36 −2.70 13 2.48 1.57 −1.55 14 3.72 2.93 −0.38 15 5.07 4.47 0.83 16 5.65 6.21 2.10 17 8.18 8.14 3.43 18 9.93 10.29 4.85 表 5 浮筒横摇固有周期
Table 5. Buoy roll natural periods
$ D $/m buoy roll natural period $ {T}_{\mathrm{n}} $/s $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=25 m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=45 m $ {W}_{\mathrm{D}} $=100 m 10 − − − 11 14.97 − − 12 8.42 17.10 − 13 6.85 8.70 − 14 6.13 6.95 − 15 5.76 6.17 15.26 16 5.50 5.71 9.48 17 5.38 5.45 7.85 18 5.29 5.27 6.82 表 6 可行域偏差验证(45 m水深)
Table 6. Feasible area difference verification (water depth 45 m)
item feasible region
Rfeasible/mverified feasible region Rverified-feasible/m difference δ/% diameter upper limit 13.13 12.85 2.14 diameter lower limit 11.73 11.66 0.63 -
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