Dynamic Changes of Influenza A/H1N1 Epidemic Evaluated Based on the Kolmogorov Forward Equation
- 甲型H1N1 /
- Markov过程 /
- Kolmogorov前向方程(KFE) /
- 隐式Euler (IE)法 /
- 最终规模
Abstract:The individual-based infectious disease models show the important role of stochasticity in infectious disease prevention and control. To study these models and then determine the ranges of predictive variables, an increasingly common approach needs event-driven massive repetitive stochastic simulations. The study of the individual-based infectious disease models based on the Kolmogorov forward equation (KFE), not only could overcome the difficulty of repeated simulations, but could consider the probability of each state simultaneously. Therefore, according to the data of 2009 influenza A/H1N1 in the Xi’an 8th Hospital, to determine the rate of behavior change, an individual decision-making psychological model was established based on social network. Further, in order to obtain the probability distribution of each state in the process of infectious disease transmission, based on the modified individual SIR model, the KFE was derived through the Markov processes. The results show that, the numerical solution of the KFE gives the probability distribution of each state, the most serious period and the corresponding probability in the outbreak process of epidemic infectious diseases, so as to help understand the transmission process of A/H1N1 epidemic more quickly and accurately, which is valuable for the efficient prevention and control of A/H1N1 epidemic.
Key words:
- A/H1N1 /
- Markov process /
- Kolmogorov forward equation (KFE) /
- implicit Euler (IE) method /
- final size
2 流感流行38天计算出的概率质量函数的快照: (a)到第38天时,感染人数与易感人数的联合条件概率质量函数
$ P(S(t),I(t)|I(t)>0) $ ;(b)概率质量函数的轮廓图;(c)第38天恢复人数的条件概率质量函数$ P(R(t)|I(t)>0) $ 2. A snapshot of the calculated probability mass function at the end of the 38 d influenza epidemic: (a)joint conditional probability mass function
$ P(S(t),I(t)|I(t)>0) $ of infected and susceptible individuals; (b) the contour of the calculated probability mass function; (c) conditional probability mass function$ P(R(t)|I(t)>0) $ of recovered individualsA2 基于模型(A6),对2 004个个体的个体行为改变率
$ p_{{\rm{e}}}(i,t) $ 进行估计: (a)规则网络; (b) 小世界(WS) 网络; (c)NW 网络; (d) 随机网络A2. The estimation of individual behaviour change rate
$ p_{e}(i,t) $ for 2 004 persons based on model (A6): (a) the regular network; (b) the small-world (WS) network; (c) the Newman and Watts (NW) network; (d) the random networkA1 在四种经典的社交网络结构下, 模型(A6)所有参数均值和标准差的估计值及取值范围
A1. The estimated values and ranges of means and standard deviations for all parameters of model (A6) with 4 classical social networks
mean $ \mu $ min max best fit (regular) best fit (WS) best fit (NW) best fit (random) $ \delta $ 0.35 0.58 0.410 7 0.475 1 0.580 0 0.475 0 $ \lambda $ 170 195 175.116 8 175.402 1 174.625 0 173.485 0 $ \tau $ 6 8 6.761 4 6.898 6 6.895 5 6.510 9 $ \xi $ 10 50 18.781 0 21.449 0 20.966 4 10.047 5 $ \eta $ 0.3 0.6 0.599 5 0.482 2 0.513 3 0.414 5 $ O_0 $ −0.75 −0.6 −0.637 3 −0.710 2 −0.613 6 −0.631 7 $O_{ {1} }$ 0.001 0.1 0.009 3 0.060 8 0.059 0 0.048 4 $O_{2}$ 0.65 1 0.717 0 0.846 3 0.999 3 0.759 6 $O_3$ 0.01 0.15 0.065 4 0.092 3 0.149 8 0.084 0 $O_4$ −0.75 −0.45 −0.504 5 −0.579 9 −0.497 2 −0.520 9 standard deviation $ \sigma $ min max best fit (regular) best fit (WS) best fit (NW) best fit (random) $ \delta $ 0.01 0.1 0.038 1 0.058 3 0.094 0 0.046 7 $ \lambda $ 1 5 3.591 6 3.837 8 4.458 9 3.144 4 $ \tau $ 0 2 0.625 5 0.800 1 1.129 9 0.199 7 $ \xi $ 2 2 2.000 0 2.000 0 2.000 0 2.000 0 $ \eta $ 0.1 0.1 0.100 0 0.100 0 0.100 0 0.100 0 $ O_0 $ 0.2 0.6 0.293 9 0.388 3 0.210 9 0.396 7 $O_1$ 0.01 0.4 0.343 0 0.306 3 0.200 7 0.010 0 $O_2$ 0.3 0.5 0.316 3 0.409 3 0.427 8 0.342 1 $O_3$ 0.01 0.1 0.030 2 0.054 3 0.094 2 0.050 3 $O_4$ 0.1 0.5 0.100 4 0.406 1 0.499 0 0.141 7 -
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