Effects of Cone Angles on Nonlinear Vibration Responses of Functionally Graded Shells
研究了受外载荷下圆锥角对功能梯度壳的非线性振动的影响。首先,根据Voigt模型,在圆锥壳的厚度方向上建立功能梯度材料属性模型。然后,考虑一阶剪切变形理论和von Kármán非线性,利用Hamilton原理推导了功能梯度圆锥壳的非线性运动方程。之后,应用Galerkin法对运动方程进行离散化处理,再根据Volmir假设将方程简化为单自由度的非线性微分方程。最后,采用谐波平衡法和Runge-Kutta法对方程进行求解,分析了功能梯度圆锥壳的幅频响应特性曲线,讨论了不同材料分布函数以及陶瓷体积分数指数对圆锥壳幅频响应的影响,描述了不同锥角下圆锥壳的分岔图和不同激励幅值下圆锥壳的时间历程和相图,进一步通过Poincaré图反映了圆锥壳运动状态。结果表明:功能梯度圆锥壳呈现“渐硬”弹簧非线性特性;锥角增大,功能梯度圆锥壳混沌运动的现象被抑制,不易产生运动不稳定性;激励幅值增大,功能梯度圆锥壳运动呈现周期到多周期再到混沌的过程。
- 非线性振动 /
- 分岔 /
- Poincaré截面图 /
- 功能梯度 /
- 圆锥壳
Abstract:The nonlinear vibration responses of functionally graded materials (FGMs) shells with different cone angles under external loads were studied. Firstly, the Voigt model was employed to describe the physical properties along the thickness direction of FGMs conical shells. Then, the motion equations were derived based on the 1st-order shear deformation theory, the von Kármán geometric nonlinearity and Hamilton’s principle. Next, the Galerkin method was applied to discretize the motion equations and the governing equations were simplified into a 1DOF nonlinear vibration differential equation under Volmir’s assumption. Finally, the nonlinear motion equations were solved with the harmonic balance method and the Runge-Kutta method, and the amplitude frequency response characteristic curves of the FGMs conical shells were obtained. The effects of different material distribution functions and different ceramic volume fraction exponents on the amplitude frequency response curves of conical shells were discussed. The bifurcation diagrams of conical shells with different cone angles, as well as time process diagrams and phase diagrams for different excitation amplitudes, were described. The motion characteristics were characterized by Poincaré maps. The results show that, the FGMs conical shells present the nonlinear characteristics of hardening springs. The chaotic motions of the FGMs conical shells are restrained and not prone to motion instability with the increase of the cone angle. The FGMs conical shell present a process from the periodic motion to the multi-periodic motion and then to chaos with the increase of the excitation amplitude.
Key words:
- nonlinear vibration /
- bifurcation /
- Poincaré map /
- functionally graded materials /
- conical shell
表 1 FGMs圆柱壳的材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of FGMs cylindrical shells
material elastic module E/ GPa Poisson’s ratio ν density ρ/ (kg/m3) stainless steel 207.788 0.317 7 8 166 Ni 205.098 0.3 8 900 表 2 FGMs圆柱壳频率对比(R1=1, R1/h=500, L/R=20, m=1)
Table 2. Comparison of frequencies of FGMs cylindrical shells (R1=1, R1/h=500, L/R=20, m=1)
n f /HZ ref. [1] present 6 16.455 16.655 7 22.635 22.827 8 29.771 29.952 9 37.862 38.029 10 46.905 47.056 表 3 纯金属圆锥壳频率对比(R2=1, R2/h=100, Lsin(γ0)/R2=0.25, α0=30°, m=1)
Table 3. Comparison of frequencies of pure metal conical shells (R2=1, R2/h=100, Lsin(γ0)/R2=0.25, α0=30°, m=1)
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