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乔心州 陈永婧 刘鹏 方秀荣

乔心州,陈永婧,刘鹏,方秀荣. 粒子群优化与Kriging模型相结合的结构非概率可靠性分析 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(12):1412-1421 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420308
引用本文: 乔心州,陈永婧,刘鹏,方秀荣. 粒子群优化与Kriging模型相结合的结构非概率可靠性分析 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(12):1412-1421 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420308
QIAO Xinzhou, CHEN Yongjing, LIU Peng, FANG Xiurong. Non-Probabilistic Structural Reliability Analysis Integrating the PSO and the Kriging Model[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(12): 1412-1421. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420308
Citation: QIAO Xinzhou, CHEN Yongjing, LIU Peng, FANG Xiurong. Non-Probabilistic Structural Reliability Analysis Integrating the PSO and the Kriging Model[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(12): 1412-1421. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420308


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.420308
基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2019JQ-796)

    乔心州(1974—),男,副教授,硕士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail:qiaoxinzhou@xust.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O213.2

Non-Probabilistic Structural Reliability Analysis Integrating the PSO and the Kriging Model

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  线性变换与可靠性指标

    Figure  1.  The linear transform and the reliability index

    图  2  算法流程图

    Figure  2.  The flowchart for the proposed method

    图  3  相对误差对比图(算例1)

    Figure  3.  Comparison of relative errors (example 1)

    图  4  链轮

    Figure  4.  A chain wheel

    图  5  相对误差对比图(算例2)

    Figure  5.  Comparison of relative errors (example 2)

    图  6  25杆桁架

    Figure  6.  A 25-bar truss structure

    图  7  相对误差对比图(算例3)

    Figure  7.  Comparison of relative errors (example 3)

    表  1  相关系数为0.2的迭代过程

    Table  1.   The iterative process for a correlation coefficient of 0.2

    iteration stepdesign pointreliability index
    0(−2.4442, 4.2332)4.8882
    1(−1.8607, 4.1064)4.5083
    2(−1.8641, 4.1039)4.5074
    reference value(−1.8692, 4.1017)4.5075
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    表  2  不同相关系数的可靠性指标(算例1)

    Table  2.   Reliability indexes for different correlation coefficients (example 1)

    correlation coefficientPSO-KrigingiterationsCPU timeKrigingiterationsCPU timereference value
    04.170420.45703 s4.165351.00112 s4.1701
    0.24.507320.38524 s4.500261.20133 s4.5075
    0.55.213430.68554 s5.203951.01367 s5.2138
    0.75.923730.88563 s5.935571.40156 s5.9235
    0.97.033720.57889 s7.030261.16778 s7.0339
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    表  3  相关系数为0.9的迭代过程

    Table  3.   The iterative process for a correlation coefficient of 0.9

    iteration stepdesign pointreliability index
    0(0.0662, 0.0265, 0.0088, 0.00650.4059)0.4123
    1(−0.0031, −0.0004, 0.0146, 0.0141, 0.3458)0.3464
    2(−0.0040, −0.0005, 0.0124, 0.0176, 0.3415)0.3422
    3(−0.0044, −0.0007, 0.00132, 0.0179, 0.3441)0.3448
    4(−0.0042, −0.0007, 0.0134, 0.0181, 0.3439)0.3447
    reference value(−0.0058, −0.0015, 0.0146, 0.0155, 0.3437)0.3444
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    表  4  不同相关系数的可靠性指标(算例2)

    Table  4.   Reliability indexes for different correlation coefficients (example 2)

    correlation coefficientPSO-KrigingiterationsCPU timeKrigingiterationsCPU timereference value
    00.3469416.15572 s0.3406727.16953 s0.3465
    0.30.3504520.19465 s0.3466934.93226 s0.3509
    0.50.3517417.23898 s0.3612726.35562 s0.3513
    0.70.3487521.56773 s0.3454831.05089 s0.3490
    0.90.3447418.06577 s0.3404728.09947 s0.3444
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    表  5  MCS求解的95%置信区间(算例2)

    Table  5.   The 95% confidence intervals of MCS solutions (example 2)

    MCS valuemean valuedeviationlower boundupper bound
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    表  6  不确定变量的分布参数

    Table  6.   The distribution parameters of uncertain variables

    uncertain variablemean valueradius
    $ {A_1} $/mm270070
    $ {A_2} $/mm26200620
    $ {A_3} $/mm25300530
    $ {A_4} $/mm28800880
    $ L $/mm150001500
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    表  7  相关系数为0的迭代过程

    Table  7.   The iterative process for a correlation coefficient of 0

    iteration stepdesign pointreliability index
    0(−0.0083, −0.4266, −0.3646, −0.0519, 0.8256)0.9997
    1(−0.0109, −0.5652, −0.4831, −0.0587, 0.9338)1.1952
    2(−0.0100, −0.5201, −0.4446, −0.0540, 0.8593)1.0997
    3(−0.0089, −0.4827, −0.4126, −0.0478, 0.7875)1.0870
    4(−0.0084, −0.5107, −0.4222, −0.0509, 0.8504)1.0793
    5(−0.0105, −0.5065, −0.4289, −0.0465, 0.8372)1.0694
    6(−0.0094, 0.5032, −0.4301, −0.0431, 0.8356)1.0669
    reference value(−0.0092, −0.5043, −0.4280, −0.0484, 0.8340)1.0656
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    表  8  不同相关系数的可靠性指标(算例3)

    Table  8.   Reliability indexes for different correlation coefficients (example 3)

    correlation coefficientPSO-KrigingiterationsCPU timeKrigingiterationsCPU timereference value
    01.0669627.02193 s0.9944937.73403 s1.0656
    0.31.2683731.52558 s1.17931041.92578 s1.2679
    0.51.4906628.02193 s1.39971040.44356 s1.4917
    0.71.9043626.02193 s1.8253938.37882 s1.9023
    0.93.1439731.52558 s2.99341146.11937 s3.1431
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    表  9  MCS求解的95%置信区间(算例3)

    Table  9.   The 95% confidence intervals of MCS solutions (example 3)

    MCS valuemean valuedeviationlower boundupper bound
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