Influence of Multiple Micro Cracks on the Damage Behavior of a Macro-Crack Tip
Abstract:The solution of an infinite plane containing a macro crack and a cluster of micro cracks under uniaxial tensile load was presented based on Muskhelishvili’s complex function method and the stepwise recursive method. The stress field and stress intensity factor K were obtained. Combined with the damage mechanics, damage parameter D of the macro-crack tip and the micro-crack tip under uniaxial tension was redefined, and the influence of different damage zone forms on the damage of the crack tip was analyzed. The results show that, both the chain-distribution and the reverse-chain-distribution micro cracks have an amplifying effect on the macro crack growth, and the damage parameter increases with the decrease of the inclination angle of the micro crack and the reduction of the distance between the macro crack and the micro cracks. For a relatively small inclination angle of the micro crack, the damage parameters of the macro crack and the micro crack heightens, and the damage parameter of the macro crack increases with the micro-crack length. For evenly distributed micro cracks in the continuous damage zone, the micro cracks have an amplifying effect on the macro-crack growth, and the damage parameter of the macro crack increases with the micro-crack number.
Key words:
- micro-crack /
- macro-crack /
- micro-crack configuration /
- damage zone /
- damage parameter
图 6 共线微裂纹对主裂纹尖端应力强度因子的影响:(a) 无限大平面内的共线裂纹;(b) 裂纹尖端B点的应力强度因子随裂纹间距的变化
Figure 6. Influence of the collinear micro crack on the stress intensity factor of the macro crack tip: (a) a collinear micro crack and a macro crack in an infinite plane; (b)
${{{K_B}} / ({{\sigma ^\infty }\sqrt {{\text{π}}{\text{a}}} }})$ vs.$ {d / {{a_1}}} $ for$ {a / {{a_1}}} = 1 $ under tensile load表 1 主裂纹尖端到微裂纹中心的距离 dk/a (k=1, 2, ···, 7)
Table 1. The distance dk/a (k=1, 2, ···, 7) between the macro crack and each micro crack
d1/a d2,3/a=d1/a + 0.3 d4,5,6,7/a=d1/a + 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.7 1 0.5 0.8 1.1 表 2 微裂纹的倾斜角度βk (k=1, 2, ···, 7)
Table 2. The inclination angle βk (k=1, 2, ···, 7) of each micro crack
$ {\beta _1}/{(^ \circ }) $ $ ({\beta _2} = {{{\beta _1}} /2}) /{(^ \circ }) $ $ ({\beta _3} = {{ - {\beta _1}} / 2}) /{(^ \circ }) $ $ ({\beta _4} = {{{\beta _1}} / 4}) /{(^ \circ }) $ $ ({\beta _5} = {{ - {\beta _1}} / 4}) /{(^ \circ }) $ $ ({\beta _6} = {{{\beta _1}} / 4}) /{(^ \circ }) $ $ ({\beta _7} = {{ - {\beta _1}} / 4}) /{(^ \circ }) $ 10 5 −5 2.5 −2.5 2.5 −2.5 20 10 −10 5 −5 5 −5 30 15 −15 7.5 −7.5 7.5 −7.5 40 20 −20 10 −10 10 −10 50 25 −25 12.5 −12.5 12.5 −12.5 表 3 主裂纹尖端到微裂纹中心的距离 dk/a (k=1, 2, ···, 7)
Table 3. The distance dk/a (k=1, 2, ···, 7) between the macro crack and each micro crack
d1,2,3,4/a=d1/a d5,6/a=d1/a + 0.3 d7/a=d1/a + 0.6 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.6 0.9 0.4 0.7 1 0.5 0.8 1.1 表 4 微裂纹的倾斜角度 βk (k=1, 2, ···, 7)
Table 4. The inclination angle βk (k=1, 2, ···, 7) of each micro crack
β1/$(^ \circ ) $ (β2=−β1)/$(^ \circ ) $ (β3=β1)/$(^ \circ ) $ (β4=−β1)/$(^ \circ ) $ (β5=2β1)/$(^ \circ ) $ (β6=−2β1)/(°) (β7=4β1)/$(^ \circ ) $ 2.5 −2.5 2.5 −2.5 5 −5 10 5 −5 5 −5 10 −10 20 7.5 −7.5 7.5 −7.5 15 −15 30 10 −10 10 −10 20 −20 40 12.5 −12.5 12.5 −12.5 25 −25 50 -
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