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孔祥伟 刘祚才 靳彦欣

孔祥伟,刘祚才,靳彦欣. 川渝裂缝性地层自动压井环空多相压力波速特性研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(12):1370-1379 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430006
引用本文: 孔祥伟,刘祚才,靳彦欣. 川渝裂缝性地层自动压井环空多相压力波速特性研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(12):1370-1379 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430006
KONG Xiangwei, LIU Zuocai, JIN Yanxin. Study on Multiphase Pressure Wave Velocity Characteristics of Automatic Kill Annulus in Chuanyu Fractured Formation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(12): 1370-1379. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430006
Citation: KONG Xiangwei, LIU Zuocai, JIN Yanxin. Study on Multiphase Pressure Wave Velocity Characteristics of Automatic Kill Annulus in Chuanyu Fractured Formation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(12): 1370-1379. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430006


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430006
基金项目: 中石化科技部课题资助项目(P21069;P22117)

    孔祥伟(1982—),男,副教授,博士,硕士生导师 (通讯作者. E-mail:76922591@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O347.4

Study on Multiphase Pressure Wave Velocity Characteristics of Automatic Kill Annulus in Chuanyu Fractured Formation

  • 摘要:

    考虑虚拟质量力、环空沿程压力、气液相间阻力、气体滑脱、环空空隙率等因素,基于小扰动理论,提出了裂缝性地层自动压井环空多相压力波速数学模型,结合半显式差分方法,以彭州PZ-5-3D井(垂深5827 m)为实例,对模型编程求解。结果表明:裂缝性地层出气具有段塞流特点,随空隙率增大,压力波速呈现先减小后增大趋势;空隙率在0%至16%区间,压力波速以液弹为主,压力波速呈急剧下降趋势;空隙率在16%至40%区间,压力波速趋于平缓恒定值;空隙率在42%至100%区间,压力波速呈现增大趋势,压力波速以气弹为主;随环空井深减小,环空空隙率减小,压力波速整体呈现减小趋势;随压井循环排气井口回压增大,压力波速整体呈现增大趋势;环空空隙率在0%至13%区间内,气体滑脱速度对压力波速影响不大;环空空隙率在13%至85%区间内,随气体滑脱速度增大,压力波速呈现减小趋势;节流阀调阀时间间隔与井底压力响应时间具有跟随性,随井底压力响应时间增大,调阀时间间隔增大。

  • 图  1  环空多相压力波速求解技术路线图

    Figure  1.  The flowchart for solving the multiphase pressure wave velocity in annulus

    图  2  文献[15-16]的实验测试结果与本文模型计算压力波速对比:(a)30 MPa压力条件下压力波速对比结果;(b)含气率在1%及20%条件下波速对比结果

    Figure  2.  Comparisons between the experimental results of ref. [15-16] and the wave velocities calculated in this paper: (a) comparison of the wave velocity at a pressure of 30 MPa; (b) comparison of the wave velocity at gas contents of 1% and 20%

    图  3  自动压井气侵循环排气示意图

    Figure  3.  Schematic diagram of automatic well killing gas invasion circulating exhaust

    图  4  裂缝气段塞流空隙率对压力波速的影响

    Figure  4.  Effects of the crack gas slug flow void fraction on the pressure wave velocity

    图  5  裂缝性地层气侵流量对压力波速的影响

    Figure  5.  Effects of the gas invasion velocity on the pressure wave velocity in the fractured gas reservoir

    图  6  压井节流阀回压对压力波速的影响

    Figure  6.  Effects of the throttle valve back pressure on the pressure wave velocity

    图  7  角频率对压力波速的影响

    Figure  7.  Effects of the angular frequency on the pressure wave velocity

    图  8  气体滑脱速度对压力波速的影响

    Figure  8.  Effects of the gas slippage velocity on the pressure wave velocity

    表  1  气体滑脱速度对压力波速影响数据表

    Table  1.   Effects of the gas slippage velocity on the pressure wave velocity

    gas ratevs=0.08 m/s
    vs=0.20 m/s
    vs=0.40 m/s
    vs=0.60 m/s
    vs=0.70 m/s
    vs=0.80 m/s
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