The Mathematical Model and Research Progress of the Boundary Layer Flashback in Premixed Combustion
Abstract:Flashback is a key problem influencing the normal operation of power equipment such as gas turbines. As one of the main mechanisms that cause flashback, the boundary layer flashback has an important effect on the design and operation of gas turbine combustors and other combustion devices. Since the critical gradient model for the boundary layer flashback was put forward by Lewis et al. in 1945, the theoretical models for the boundary layer flashback, such as the Peclet number model, the Damköhler number model and the flame angle theory, were developed one after another. However, these theoretical models still need improvements. Until now, the theoretical models for the boundary layer flashback are still in continuous development and modification. The history of the boundary layer flashback was reviewed, and the background, pertinence and shortcomings of the theoretical models were elucidated in the order of the model establishment time. In addition, the development status and research progress of the theoretical models for the boundary layer flashback in recent years were summarized, especially the progress made with new methods such as numerical simulation and statistical analysis. Further, the theoretical research direction and breakthrough points of the combustion boundary layer flashback at present and in the future were put forward.
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