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陈龙 肖夏 张立 戚海洋

陈龙, 肖夏, 张立, 戚海洋. 图形化薄膜等效弹性模量的声表面波表征研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(4): 381-393. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430050
引用本文: 陈龙, 肖夏, 张立, 戚海洋. 图形化薄膜等效弹性模量的声表面波表征研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(4): 381-393. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430050
CHEN Long, XIAO Xia, ZHANG Li, QI Haiyang. Surface Acoustic Wave Characterization of Equivalent Young's Moduli for Patterned Films[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(4): 381-393. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430050
Citation: CHEN Long, XIAO Xia, ZHANG Li, QI Haiyang. Surface Acoustic Wave Characterization of Equivalent Young's Moduli for Patterned Films[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(4): 381-393. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430050


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430050

国家自然科学基金项目 61571319


    陈龙(1997—),男,硕士生(E-mail: chenlong_cl@yeah.net)


    肖夏(1971—),女,教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: xiaxiao@tju.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O341;TN47

Surface Acoustic Wave Characterization of Equivalent Young's Moduli for Patterned Films

  • 摘要: 基于分层材料等效弹性性质理论,建立了单大马士革和双大马士革结构的细观力学等效模型. 通过引入图形化结构等效弹性常数,建立了声表面波在图形化薄膜/衬底分层结构中的传播模型,利用Green函数和矩阵法计算得到了表面波理论色散曲线. 采用有限元法计算了24种不同体积比的大马士革结构数值算例,并与能量法计算结果进行了对比验证. 结果表明,厚度为300 nm的双大马士革薄膜和厚度为100 nm的单大马士革薄膜等效弹性模量平均相对误差分别为2.06%和2.27%. 验证了等效图形化结构模型的正确性以及声表面波方法表征图形化薄膜机械特性的可行性,研究结果可为开发适用于图形化薄膜、低压力的化学机械抛光工艺提供参考.
  • 图  1  分层材料及其代表性体积单元[23]

    Figure  1.  The schematic diagram of the layered material and the representative volume unit[23]

    图  2  单大马士革结构代表体积单元

    Figure  2.  The representative volume unit of the single damascene structure

    图  3  双大马士革结构代表体积单元

    Figure  3.  The representative volume unit of the dual damascene structure

    图  4  表面波在双大马士革薄膜/硅衬底结构中的传播

    Figure  4.  The schematic diagram of SAWs propagating in the dual damascene film/substrate

    图  5  膜厚为300 nm下表面波在表 1的不同图形化薄膜中沿Si[100]晶向传播的色散曲线

    Figure  5.  Dispersion curves of surface acoustic waves propagating along the Si[100] direction in different patterned films in table 1 with a film thickness of 300 nm

    图  6  图形化薄膜/硅衬底有限元网格化模型

    Figure  6.  The finite element meshing model for the patterned film/silicon substrate

    图  7  模型的表面振型及特征频率


    Figure  7.  The surface modes and eigenfrequencies of the model

    图  8  膜厚为300 nm下表面波在表 1编号⑥对应双大马士革薄膜中沿Si[100]晶向传播的理论和仿真色散曲线

    Figure  8.  Theoretical and simulated dispersion curves of surface acoustic waves propagating along the Si[100] direction in the dual damascene film corresponding to case ⑥ in table 1 with a film thickness of 300 nm

    图  9  表面波沿Si[100]晶向传播时单大马士革薄膜(表 4编号⑤)厚度对色散关系的影响

    Figure  9.  Influences of the single damascene film thickness (case ⑤ in table 4) on the dispersion relation for the surface wave propagating along the Si[100] direction

    表  1  双大马士革薄膜参数(参数标记见图 3)和对应编号

    Table  1.   Dual damascene film parameters (see fig. 3 for parameter labels) and corresponding numbers

    case No. w1/nm h1/nm w2/nm h2/nm
    homogeneous low-k material
    50 100 50 200
    50 100 60 200
    50 100 90 200
    50 100 120 200
    50 100 150 200
    50 100 180 200
    50 100 210 200
    50 100 240 200
    50 100 270 200
    homogeneous copper material
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    表  2  仿真模型的波长-频率-速度值

    Table  2.   Wavelength-frequency-velocity values for the simulation model

    wavelength λ/μm average eigenfrequency f/MHz velocity v/(m/s)
    990 4.964 4 914.36
    480 10.23 4 910.40
    210 23.32 4 897.20
    129 37.87 4 885.23
    99 49.24 4 874.76
    81 60.06 4 864.86
    60 80.76 4 845.60
    51 94.75 4 832.25
    45 107.12 4 820.40
    42 114.61 4 813.62
    39 123.21 4 805.19
    36 133.20 4 795.20
    33 144.96 4 783.68
    30 158.99 4 769.70
    27 176.02 4 752.54
    24 197.12 4 730.88
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    表  3  双大马士革薄膜(hf=300 nm)等效弹性模量匹配结果

    Table  3.   Matching results of the dual damascene structure with thickness hf=300 nm

    case No. volume(Cu: low-k) SAW method strain energy method Ef/Efenergy)/%
    Ef/GPa Efenergy/GPa
    0∶1 (full of low-k) 9.90 10.00 1.00
    1∶5.0 12.87 13.23 2.72
    1∶4.3 13.37 13.64 1.98
    1∶2.9 14.63 15.01 2.53
    1∶2.1 16.94 16.72 1.32
    1∶1.6 18.74 18.96 1.16
    1∶1.2 22.01 22.08 0.32
    1.1∶1 26.20 26.71 1.91
    1.4∶1 33.00 34.34 3.90
    1.9∶1 47.74 49.39 3.34
    1∶0 (full of Cu) 129.90 130.00 0.08
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    表  4  单大马士革薄膜(hf=100 nm)等效弹性模量匹配结果

    Table  4.   Matching results of the single damascene structure with thickness hf=100 nm

    case No. volume(Cu: low-k) SAW method strain energy method Ef/Efenergy)/%
    Ef/GPa Efenergy/GPa
    1∶9 11.78 12.06 2.32
    1∶7 12.07 12.48 3.29
    1∶5 12.87 13.23 2.72
    1∶4 13.56 13.83 1.95
    1∶3 14.73 14.79 0.41
    1∶2 16.76 16.59 1.02
    1∶1 21.79 21.58 0.97
    2∶1 30.52 30.27 0.83
    3∶1 37.24 37.68 1.17
    4∶1 42.87 44.02 2.61
    5∶1 47.32 49.42 4.25
    7∶1 56.28 58.69 4.11
    9∶1 63.50 66.06 3.88
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