A Study on the Vortex-Induced Vibration Mechanism of Cantilever Cylinders Under Gas-Liquid Cross Flows
Abstract:Aimed at vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of the submarine reconnaissance telescope lifting above the water surface, a theoretical model for VIV of a cantilever cylinder under the actions of two different cross flows, i.e. gas and liquid, was established. The effects of parameters such as the distribution ratio and the density ratio for these two fluids on VIV responses of the cylinder were studied. Based on the Galerkin technique and the Runge-Kutta algorithm, numerical results of the cylinder vibration responses were obtained. The results show that, the increase of the distribution ratio can widen the lock-in range of the cylinder. The peak amplitude of the cylinder increases first and then decreases with the distribution ratio. The amplitude reaches the maximum value with a distribution ratio of 0.5, and this maximum value will increase with the decrease of the density ratio. In addition, single-period and multi-period motions will occur with the change of the fluid distribution ratio. The present research provides a theoretical guidance for the design and analysis of the submarine reconnaissance telescope.
Key words:
- vortex-induced vibration /
- cantilever cylinder /
- lock-in /
- cross flow
图 2 不同模态截断数N下的圆柱体自由端振幅:(a)仅有水作用的情况,
${U_{{\rm{r}}1}} = 5$ ;(b) 空气和水共同作用的情况,${U_{{\rm{r}}1}} = {U_{{\rm{r}}2}} = 5$ 注 为了解释图中的颜色,读者可以参考本文的电子网页版本,后同。
Figure 2. Amplitudes at the cylinder’s free end for different Galerkin truncation number N values: (a) only water case,
${U_{{\rm{r}}1}} = 5$ ; (b) air-water case,${U_{{\rm{r}}1}} = {U_{{\rm{r}}2}} = 5$ -
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