Adaptive Constrained Control of Unknown Strict Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Dead Zone Input
Abstract:To tackle the problem of unknown strict feedback nonlinear control systems with dead zone input and pre-assigned tracking control, a novel adaptive tracking control strategy was proposed based on the immune function, the active disturbance rejection control and the pre-assigned funnel constraint. The immune function and the extended state observer were utilized to estimate the unknown information of the control system. Through combination with the Lyapunov function, the funnel control was introduced to design the controller, and guarantee the tracking error within the pre-assigned funnel boundary. The adaptive control law was designed based on the rapid changing rate of the hyperbolic tangent function, and the command wave filter was introduced to avoid repeated differentiation problem in the backstepping method. The stability analysis demonstrates the boundedness of all the closed-loop signals. A simulation example shows the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy.
表 1 两种不同控制器的误差分析
Table 1. Error analysis for the control effects of 2 different controllers
controller index ${e_{\text{c}}}$ ${e_{{\text{RMS}}}}$ LSMC 0.140 10 0.052 97 proposed method 0.117 80 0.016 75 -
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