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邓健 肖鹏程 王增贤 邵光冉 卢天健

邓健,肖鹏程,王增贤,邵光冉,卢天健. 基于黏聚区模型的ENF试件层间裂纹扩展分析 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(5):515-523 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430082
引用本文: 邓健,肖鹏程,王增贤,邵光冉,卢天健. 基于黏聚区模型的ENF试件层间裂纹扩展分析 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2022,43(5):515-523 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430082
DENG Jian, XIAO Pengcheng, WANG Zengxian, SHAO Guangran, LU Tianjian. Interlaminar Crack Propagation Analysis of ENF Specimens Based on the Cohesive Zone Model[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(5): 515-523. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430082
Citation: DENG Jian, XIAO Pengcheng, WANG Zengxian, SHAO Guangran, LU Tianjian. Interlaminar Crack Propagation Analysis of ENF Specimens Based on the Cohesive Zone Model[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2022, 43(5): 515-523. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430082


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430082
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(12002157;12032010;11972185);江苏高校优势学科建设工程;中央高校基本科研业务费


    卢天健(1964—),男,教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail:tjlu@nuaa.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O33

Interlaminar Crack Propagation Analysis of ENF Specimens Based on the Cohesive Zone Model

  • 摘要:


  • 图  1  层合板黏聚区微元受力分析

    Figure  1.  Microelement stress analysis of the cohesive zone of the laminates

    图  2  黏聚区双线性本构模型

    Figure  2.  The bilinear constitutive model for the cohesive zone

    图  3  ENF试件几何尺寸及加载情况

    Figure  3.  The ENF specimen geometry and loading conditions

    图  4  ENF试件加载软化阶段

    Figure  4.  The loading softening stage of the ENF specimen

    图  5  本文模型与实验结果[16]及梁理论预测的对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of the proposed model with the experimental results[16] and the beam theory prediction

    图  6  界面强度对ENF试件载荷-位移曲线的影响

    Figure  6.  Influences of the interfacial strength on load-displacement curves of the ENF specimen

    图  7  断裂韧性对ENF试件载荷-位移曲线的影响

    Figure  7.  Influences of the fracture toughness on load-displacement curves of the ENF specimen

    图  8  Ⅱ型界面初始刚度的影响:(a)载荷-位移曲线;(b)Ⅱ型裂纹T-S本构关系

    Figure  8.  Influences of the initial stiffness of the mode Ⅱ interfaces: (a) load-displacement curves; (b) T-S constitutive relationships of the mode Ⅱ crack

    图  9  Ⅱ型裂纹黏聚区长度随裂纹扩展的变化趋势

    Figure  9.  Variation tendencies of the cohesive zone length of the mode Ⅱ crack with the crack growth

    图  10  界面参数对Ⅱ型裂纹黏聚区长度的影响

    Figure  10.  Influences of interface parameters on the cohesive zone length of the mode Ⅱ crack

    表  1  ENF试件材料力学性能参数[16]

    Table  1.   Mechanical properties of the ENF specimen[16]

    mechanical properties of the HTA6376/C composite single layer plate
    $ {E_{11}} $=120 GPa${E_{22}} = {E_{33}}$=10.5 GPa$ {G_{12}} = {G_{13}} $=5.25 GPa$ {G_{23}} $= 3.48 GPa${\nu _{12}} = {\nu _{13}}$=0.3${\nu _{23}}$=0.51
    fracture properties of the interfacial cohesive zone
    $ {G_{{\text{Ic}}}} $=0.26 N/mmGⅡc=1.002 N/mm$ {\sigma _{\text{c}}} $=30 MPa$ {\tau _{\text{c}}} $=60 MPa$ K_{\rm{nn}}^{{\text{initial}}} $=1 × 103 GPa/mm$ K_{\rm{ss}}^{{\text{initial}}} $=1 × 103 GPa/mm
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    表  2  ENF试件几何尺寸[16]

    Table  2.   Geometric dimensions of the ENF specimen[16]

    specimen effective length 2L / mmspecimen width $b$ / mmspecimen thickness $2h$ / mminitial crack length ${a_0}$ / mm
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  • 收稿日期:  2022-03-14
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