Interlaminar Crack Propagation Analysis of ENF Specimens Based on the Cohesive Zone Model
Abstract:Based on the classical laminated plate theory and the cohesive zone model, a theoretical model for general delamination cracked laminates was established for crack propagation of pure mode Ⅱ ENF specimens. Compared with the conventional beam theory, the proposed model fully considered the softening process of the cohesive zone and introduced the nonlinear behavior of ENF specimens before failure. The predicted failure load is smaller than that under the beam theory and closer to the experimental data in literatures. Compared with the beam theory with only fracture toughness considered, the proposed model can simultaneously analyze the influences of the interface strength, the fracture toughness and the initial interface stiffness on the load-displacement curves in ENF tests. The results show that, the interface strength mainly affects the mechanical behavior of specimens before failure, but has no influence on crack propagation. The fracture toughness is the main parameter affecting crack propagation, and the initial interface stiffness only affects the linear elastic loading stage. The cohesive zone length increases with the fracture toughness and decreases with the interface strength. The effect of the interface strength on the cohesive zone length is more obvious than that of the fracture toughness. When the adhesive zone tip reaches the half length of the specimen, the adhesive zone length will decrease to a certain extent.
Key words:
- ENF test /
- delamination /
- cohesive zone /
- crack
mechanical properties of the HTA6376/C composite single layer plate $ {E_{11}} $=120 GPa ${E_{22}} = {E_{33}}$=10.5 GPa $ {G_{12}} = {G_{13}} $=5.25 GPa $ {G_{23}} $= 3.48 GPa ${\nu _{12}} = {\nu _{13}}$=0.3 ${\nu _{23}}$=0.51 fracture properties of the interfacial cohesive zone $ {G_{{\text{Ic}}}} $=0.26 N/mm GⅡc=1.002 N/mm $ {\sigma _{\text{c}}} $=30 MPa $ {\tau _{\text{c}}} $=60 MPa $ K_{\rm{nn}}^{{\text{initial}}} $=1 × 103 GPa/mm $ K_{\rm{ss}}^{{\text{initial}}} $=1 × 103 GPa/mm -
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