Three-Level Safety Evaluation of Suspended Sections of Underwater Buried Pipelines
水下穿越管道由于河床的不平整以及水流冲击、掏蚀作用,易产生裸露 、悬空等现象,悬空管段在水流作用下跨度逐渐增大,会威胁管道运营安全。为探究水流冲击作用下悬空管段的受力特性和失效行为,根据管道破坏形式,对管道进行静力学分析和动力学分析,提出了含悬空段穿越管道的分级安全评价方法:首先,根据管道悬空段受力特性和应力状态,进行“静载荷工况下的静强度安全评价”(1级);其次,根据悬空管道的固有振动频率与水流的涡旋发放频率的关系,进行“动载荷工况下的共振安全评价”(2级);最后,根据管道的环境工况和载荷作用,分析管道交变应力的周期性变化过程,求解管道的疲劳损伤和疲劳寿命,进行“动载荷工况下的疲劳强度安全评价”(3级),从而提出水下穿越管道悬空段的三级安全评价方法。同时,提出了不满足安全评价的稳管措施,结合算例给出具体求解计算流程,为水下穿越管道悬空段的安全评价提供了一定的理论参考。
Abstract:The uneven riverbed, and the impact and scour actions by water flow, make the underwater buried pipeline vulnerable to exposure and suspension, and endanger the pipeline operation safety. To investigate the mechanical properties and failure behaviors of the suspended pipeline section under water impact, according to the failure mechanism of the pipeline, the statics and dynamics analyses of the pipeline were carried out, and the graded safety evaluation technique for the buried pipeline with suspended sections was presented. First, a “static strength safety evaluation under static loads” (level 1) was conducted according to the mechanical features and stress states of the pipeline’s suspended section. Second, a “resonance safety evaluation under dynamic loads” (level 2) was conducted based on the correlation between the natural vibration frequencies of the suspended pipeline and the vortex emission frequencies of water flow. Finally, the periodical change process of the pipeline’s alternating stress was studied to solve the fatigue damage and fatigue life of the pipeline, and the “fatigue strength safety evaluation under dynamic loads” (level 3) was performed. Thus, a 3-level safety assessment procedure for pipelines with suspended sections was proposed. The stabilizing measures for pipelines of poor safety were suggested, and through an example, a specific calculation process was provided. The work serves as a theoretical guide for the safety evaluation of the suspended sections of underwater buried pipelines.
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