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赵世祥 曾祥国 王云天 严义刚

赵世祥,曾祥国,王云天,严义刚. 杂质气体O2对ZrCo合金吸附性能影响机理的第一性原理研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2023,44(2):152-159 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430299
引用本文: 赵世祥,曾祥国,王云天,严义刚. 杂质气体O2对ZrCo合金吸附性能影响机理的第一性原理研究 [J]. 应用数学和力学,2023,44(2):152-159 doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430299
ZHAO Shixiang, ZENG Xiangguo, WANG Yuntian, YAN Yigang. First Principle Study on the Influence Mechanism of Impurity Gas O2 on the Adsorption Properties of Alloy ZrCo[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(2): 152-159. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430299
Citation: ZHAO Shixiang, ZENG Xiangguo, WANG Yuntian, YAN Yigang. First Principle Study on the Influence Mechanism of Impurity Gas O2 on the Adsorption Properties of Alloy ZrCo[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(2): 152-159. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430299


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430299
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金委员会-中国工程物理研究院联合重点基金(U2130208)


    曾祥国(1960—),男,教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail:xiangguozeng@scu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: TG139

First Principle Study on the Influence Mechanism of Impurity Gas O2 on the Adsorption Properties of Alloy ZrCo

  • 摘要:

    杂质气体在ZrCo合金表面的吸附行为对其储氢性能具有重要的影响。采用基于赝势平面波法的第一性原理对空气中的O2在ZrCo(110)表面的吸附行为进行了研究。对O2在合金表面所有稳定吸附构型进行吸附能分析以及电荷分析的结果表明:O2吸附的最稳定构型为B3(Zr—Co桥位),在该位点的吸附能为−8.124 eV。该构型的态密度和差分电荷密度的结果表明:O2在ZrCo(110)表面该位点的吸附属于强化学吸附,O—O键发生断裂。O原子与ZrCo(110)表面原子的成键本质为O原子的电子和周围表面原子的电子发生电子轨道重叠,即O原子的2s、2p轨道电子与表面的Zr原子的4p、4d轨道电子和Co原子的3d轨道电子发生了电子轨道重叠,出现了轨道杂化现象。研究结果对后续揭示ZrCo合金储氢材料在杂质气体中的毒化机制具有积极作用。

  • 图  1  ZrCo晶胞及表面模型

    注 为了解释图中的颜色,读者可以参考本文的电子网页版本,后同。

    Figure  1.  The unit cell structure of ZrCo and the ZrCo(110) surface model

    图  2  O2的所有初始吸附构型

    Figure  2.  All the initial configurations of O2 adsorption on the ZrCo(110) surface: top view

    图  3  优化后O2的稳定吸附构型

    Figure  3.  The optimized stable adsorption of O2 on the ZrCo(110) surface

    图  4  O2在ZrCo(110) B3和T1吸附位置的态密度

    Figure  4.  The density of states of the ZrCo(110) surface after adsorption of O2 at B3 and T1

    图  5  O2在ZrCo(110) B3和T1吸附后的Fermi能级附近的主态密度峰

    Figure  5.  Dominant DOS peaks near the Fermi level after adsorption of O2 at B3 and T1

    图  6  O2在ZrCo(110) B3吸附位置的态密度:(a) 吸附前;(b) 吸附后

    Figure  6.  The density of states of the ZrCo(110) surface of O2: (a) before adsorption; (b) after adsorption

    图  7  O2在B3吸附的差分电荷密度图:(a) 侧视图;(b) 俯视图

    Figure  7.  The differential charge density of O2 adsorption at B3 on the ZrCo(110) surface: (a) the side view; (b) the top view

    图  8  O2在T1吸附的差分电荷密度图:(a) 侧视图;(b) 俯视图

    Figure  8.  The differential charge density of O2 adsorption at T1 on the ZrCo(110) surface: (a) the side view; (b) the top view

    表  1  ZrCo晶格常数

    Table  1.   Experimental and calculated lattice parameters for the ZrCo

    this work3.181
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    表  2  Zr和Co原子弛豫前后的z坐标(单位:Å)

    Table  2.   The z coordinates of Zr and Co atoms after relaxation for ZrCo(110) (unit: Å)

    layerbefore relaxationafter relaxationdifference of z coordinate after relaxation
    Co (1)6.7486.479−0.269
    Zr (1)6.7486.8050.057
    Co (2)4.4984.6030.105
    Zr (2)4.4984.5040.006
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    表  3  O2在ZrCo(110)表面稳定吸附构型的结构参数和吸附能

    Table  3.   The structural parameters and energy of stable adsorption configuration of O2 on the ZrCo(110) surface

    modeld0chemical bond 1d1chemical bond 2d2Eads/eV
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    表  4  O原子吸附后的净电荷分布

    Table  4.   The net charge distribution of O1 and O2 in each structure

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