Dynamic Modeling and Tracking Control of 2-Joint Manipulators in Ocean Current Environment
(Recommended by LIU Huanwen, M. AMM Editorial Board)-
摘要: 水下机械臂的水动力性能受海流载荷的影响较大,目前针对水下机械臂控制的相关研究中将水下环境做了静水的假设或将海流载荷仅仅作为一种简单的随机扰动来考虑,控制精度较低.该文分别基于Lagrange法和Newton-Euler法推导出均匀海流环境下二关节机械臂的动力学模型,考虑海流和机械臂的相对运动,引入Morison公式计算海流对机械臂的水阻力和惯性力.基于此动力学模型,利用滑模控制策略实现机械臂理想轨迹的精确跟踪.对比PD(proportional-derivative)控制,仿真结果表明滑模控制具有更优的控制效果.Abstract: The hydrodynamic performance of the underwater manipulator is greatly influenced by the current load. The underwater environment is assumed to be a still water environment and the current load is only considered as a simple random disturbance in the current control research, and the traditional control precision is usually rather low. Based on the Lagrange method and the Newton-Euler method, a dynamic model for 2-joint manipulators in the uniform ocean current environment was derived. In view of the relative motion of the ocean current and the manipulator, the Morison formula was introduced to calculate the water resistance and the inertia force of the ocean current on the manipulator. Based on this dynamic model, the sliding mode control strategy was used to achieve accurate tracking of the ideal trajectory of the manipulator. The simulation results show that, compared with the PD (proportional derivative) control, the sliding mode control strategy has better control effects.
Key words:
- ocean current environment /
- underwater manipulator /
- dynamic modeling /
- trajectory tracking /
- sliding mode control
edited-byedited-by1) (我刊编委刘焕文推荐) -
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