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葛大会 尤云祥 冯爱春

葛大会, 尤云祥, 冯爱春. 海流环境下二关节机械臂动力学建模及其跟踪控制[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(6): 666-678. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430381
引用本文: 葛大会, 尤云祥, 冯爱春. 海流环境下二关节机械臂动力学建模及其跟踪控制[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(6): 666-678. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430381
GE Dahui, YOU Yunxiang, FENG Aichun. Dynamic Modeling and Tracking Control of 2-Joint Manipulators in Ocean Current Environment[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(6): 666-678. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430381
Citation: GE Dahui, YOU Yunxiang, FENG Aichun. Dynamic Modeling and Tracking Control of 2-Joint Manipulators in Ocean Current Environment[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(6): 666-678. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430381


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430381

    葛大会(1996—),男,硕士生(E-mail: ge_dahui@sjtu.edu.cn)


    冯爱春(1983—),男,副教授,博士,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: fengaichun@sjtu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O313.3;O231

Dynamic Modeling and Tracking Control of 2-Joint Manipulators in Ocean Current Environment

(Recommended by LIU Huanwen, M. AMM Editorial Board)
  • 摘要: 水下机械臂的水动力性能受海流载荷的影响较大,目前针对水下机械臂控制的相关研究中将水下环境做了静水的假设或将海流载荷仅仅作为一种简单的随机扰动来考虑,控制精度较低.该文分别基于Lagrange法和Newton-Euler法推导出均匀海流环境下二关节机械臂的动力学模型,考虑海流和机械臂的相对运动,引入Morison公式计算海流对机械臂的水阻力和惯性力.基于此动力学模型,利用滑模控制策略实现机械臂理想轨迹的精确跟踪.对比PD(proportional-derivative)控制,仿真结果表明滑模控制具有更优的控制效果.
    1)  (我刊编委刘焕文推荐)
  • 图  1  二关节机械臂结构

    Figure  1.  Schematic of the 2-joint manipulator

    图  2  二关节机械臂PD控制不同控制参数下轨迹跟踪与输入力矩


    Figure  2.  Trajectory trackings and input torques of the 2-joint manipulator under different control parameters of the PD control

    图  3  4种趋近律下二关节机械臂滑模控制轨迹跟踪与输入力矩

    Figure  3.  Trajectory trackings and input torques of the 2-joint manipulator under 4 reaching laws of the sliding mode control

    图  4  改进指数趋近律在不同控制参数下的二关节机械臂滑模控制轨迹跟踪与输入力矩

    Figure  4.  Trajectory trackings and input torques of the 2-joint manipulator under different control parameters of the improved exponential reaching law of the sliding mode control

    图  5  静水、不同流速均匀海流下二关节机械臂滑模控制轨迹跟踪与输入力矩

    Figure  5.  Trajectory trackings and input torques of the 2-joint manipulator under still water and uniform ocean currents with different velocities of the sliding mode control

    图  6  不同频率理想轨迹下机械臂两个关节的轨迹跟踪误差

    Figure  6.  Trajectory tracking errors of 2 joints of the manipulator under ideal trajectories with different frequencies

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