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丁弘毅 王治云 赵敬帅 王楠 娄钦

丁弘毅, 王治云, 赵敬帅, 王楠, 娄钦. 含孔板微通道内随流气泡运动的两相格子Boltzmann模拟[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(1): 97-109. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440099
引用本文: 丁弘毅, 王治云, 赵敬帅, 王楠, 娄钦. 含孔板微通道内随流气泡运动的两相格子Boltzmann模拟[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2024, 45(1): 97-109. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440099
DING Hongyi, WANG Zhiyun, ZHAO Jingshuai, WANG Nan, LOU Qin. The 2-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Flow-Following Bubble Movement Through Microchannels in Orifice Plates[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(1): 97-109. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440099
Citation: DING Hongyi, WANG Zhiyun, ZHAO Jingshuai, WANG Nan, LOU Qin. The 2-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Flow-Following Bubble Movement Through Microchannels in Orifice Plates[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2024, 45(1): 97-109. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440099


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.440099

    丁弘毅(1998—),男,硕士生(E-mail: 1018522201@qq.com)


    王治云(1981—),男,副教授,博士(通讯作者. E-mail: wangzhiyun@usst.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O373; O357

The 2-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Flow-Following Bubble Movement Through Microchannels in Orifice Plates

  • 摘要: 带有气泡的两相流系统存在于各种工业过程中,涉及复杂的相界面变化,但气泡在管道中伴随液相流动时,通过孔板的运动过程尚未有充分的研究结果.相场格子Boltzmann模型在模拟复杂界面方面具有优势,适合研究气泡两相流在含孔板微通道内的运动,分析We数、气泡相对大小和孔板表面润湿性等因素对气泡动力学特性的影响.数值计算结果显示,随着We数增加,气泡表面张力减小,导致其穿过孔板结构时更易被撕裂,峰值速度降低.在研究的参数范围内存在两个临界直径比,这两个临界值将气泡通过孔板的运动分成三种形态,而且临界直径比会随We数的增加而减小.另外,随着接触角的增大,孔板表面对气体的吸附能力加强,气泡与孔板表面的接触面积增加,引起穿过孔板气泡的质量减少和气泡通过的速度增加.
  • 图  1  模型示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic of the physical model

    图  2  Laplace验证


    Figure  2.  Verification of Laplace's law

    图  3  润湿边界对毛细管侵入的模拟图

    Figure  3.  Simulation of capillary invasion by wetting boundary

    图  4  气泡进入孔板和离开孔板时,不同网格下的气泡轮廓

    Figure  4.  Snapshots of the bubble contour under different grids for the bubble entering and leaving the pore plate

    图  5  网格独立性验证

    Figure  5.  Grid independence verification

    图  6  d/D=0.533 33的气泡通过孔板的动态行为

    Figure  6.  Dynamic behaviors of the bubble with d/D=0.533 33 through the orifice plate

    图  7  气液速度随无量纲时间t*的变化

    Figure  7.  Variations with dimensionless time t*

    图  8  不同1/Wed/D下气泡通过孔板的动态行为

    Figure  8.  Dynamic behaviors of the bubble through the pore plate at different 1/We and d/D values

    图  9  气泡运动过程中在不同d/D下几种运动参数随We数的变化

    Figure  9.  Changes of several motion parameters with the We number at different d/D values during bubble movement

    图  10  气泡通过不同润湿性孔板动态行为

    Figure  10.  Dynamic behaviors of the bubble through pore plates with different wettabilities

    图  11  气泡运动参数随孔板润湿性变化

    Figure  11.  Bubble movement parameters changing with different wettabilities of the pore plate

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