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李慧玲. 一类强交错扩散的捕食模型弱解的整体存在性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2009, 30(6): 677-689. doi: 10.3879/j.issn.1000-0887.2009.06.007
引用本文: 李慧玲. 一类强交错扩散的捕食模型弱解的整体存在性[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2009, 30(6): 677-689. doi: 10.3879/j.issn.1000-0887.2009.06.007
LI Hui-ling. Global Existence of Weak Solutions to a Prey-Predator Model With Strong Cross-Diffusion[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30(6): 677-689. doi: 10.3879/j.issn.1000-0887.2009.06.007
Citation: LI Hui-ling. Global Existence of Weak Solutions to a Prey-Predator Model With Strong Cross-Diffusion[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009, 30(6): 677-689. doi: 10.3879/j.issn.1000-0887.2009.06.007


doi: 10.3879/j.issn.1000-0887.2009.06.007
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目(10701024;10601011)

    李慧玲(1977- ),女,湖南人,讲师,博士(E-mail:lihuiling_seu@yahoo.com.cn).

  • 中图分类号: O175.26

Global Existence of Weak Solutions to a Prey-Predator Model With Strong Cross-Diffusion

  • 摘要: 考虑一类带有强交错扩散项的捕食模型解的整体存在性.借助于有限差分方法和熵不等式的相关性质及结论,证明了在高维空间上,该问题有整体存在的弱解.此外,还说明了所得的这个弱解是非负解.
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  • 收稿日期:  2008-09-22
  • 修回日期:  2009-04-21
  • 刊出日期:  2009-06-15


