Space-Time Objective Decomposition of the Vortex Equations and the Mechanism Analysis of the Subtropical High Abnormal Activities
摘要: 为了分析研究副热带高压异常活动的动力学机理,基于热力强迫和涡动耗散效应的大气偏微涡度方程,采用Galerkin方法进行方程的时空变量分离,针对常规方法在空间基函数选择中存在的主观人为性,提出从实际资料场序列中用经验正交函数(EOF)分解与遗传算法结合客观反演空间基函数的思想.选择一组三角函数族作为广义空间基函数,以该基函数与EOF典型场的误差最小二乘和基函数间的完备正交性构造双约束泛函,再引入遗传算法进行空间基函数曲面拟合和系数优化,反演得到客观合理的副热带高压常微动力模型.最后,基于所得非线性动力学模型,对热力强迫作用下的副热带高压的动力学行为和机理进行了分析和讨论,发现太阳辐射加热和纬向海陆热力差异是影响副热带地区位势和流场变化从而导致副高强弱变化和中期进退活动的重要因素,前者以渐变为主;后者则更多表现出突变的特性.通过分析,得到了一些有意义的结果Abstract: Inorder to analyze the dynamic mechanism of unusual activities of the subtropical high, based on the heat force and the whorlmovement dissipation effect, the partial differential vortex equations were space-time variable separated by Galerkin methods. Aiming at the subjective and man-made conven tionalmethod of choice in the space-based function, the research ideas of the EOF and the genetic algorithm combined inversion of the space-based functions from the actual sequence of fields were putforward. Agroup of trigonometric functions were chosen as a broad-space based function, with the leas-tsquares of the error of the based function and EOF typical fields, as well as the complete orthogonal conformation of based functions as the dualbound function. Then, the genet ic algorithm w as introduced to carry out the surface fitting and coefficientop timization of the based function, as aresul't the objective and reasonable constant differen tial equation of the subtropical high was obtained by inversion. Finally, based on the obtained nonlinear dynamics model the dynamic behavior and mechanism of the sub tropical high was analyzed and discussed under the in fluence of heat force. It is found that solar radiation heating and zonal differences in land and seamipacting the potential field and flow field changes of the sub-tropical areas are the miportant factors that canlead to the strength changes of the subtropical high and medium-term advance and retreat activities. The frontis gradual change, while the lastmore putup the characteristic of the break. Some meaning fulresults were gotthrough the analysis.
Key words:
- based function fitting /
- EOF /
- genetic a lgorithms /
- non-linear equation of vortex /
- subtropical high
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