Criterion of Aerodynamic Performance of Large-Scale Offshore Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines
摘要: 以近海风能工程为研究目标,对具有不同特性参数(设计风速、叶尖线速度和转轮实度)的大容量(1~10 MW)风力机转轮的气动性能与几何特性进行分析与研究.首先提出大型机组转轮气动性能优化判据:在其直径最小的前提下具有尽可能高的年可用风能特性因数以及与之相关的风能利用系数,因而可捕获最多风能,使年发电量最大.接着给出影响它的几个主要气动参数,如转轮设计风速、叶尖线速度以及转轮实度,并分析风力机在近海气象条件下运转时上述两个气动指标随这些参数变化的规律.提供的气动分析方法及结果可作为大型近海风力机转轮气动性能的评价基础.Abstract: Taking offshore wind energy project as investigation object, the aerodynamic performance and geometric characteristics of wind turbine rotors with large capacity (1 MW to 10 MW) were analyzed in connection with their main characteristic parameters (e. g. rated wind speed, blade tip speed, and rotor solidity). First, it was pointed out that an essential criterion of high-performance wind turbine is its annual usable energy pattern factor, which should be as high as possible with its dimension possibly minimum as well, so that a maxmium wind energy would be captured and maxim al annual power output obtained. Then the in fluence of above-mentioned three parameters on the pattern factor and rotor geometry of wind turbine operated in Chinese offshore meteorological environment was investigated. The variation pattern of aerodynamic and geometric parameters were obtained, analyzed, and compared with each other. Finally, it was pointed out that the method for aerodynamic analysis and its result could be taken as a basis for evaluation of aerodynamic performance of large-scale offshore wind turbine rotors.
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