Natural convection in a non-Darcy porous medium was studied using the temperature-concentration-dependent density relation. The effect of two parameters a1 and a2 responsible for non-linear convection was analyzed for different values of inertial parameter, dispersion parameters, Rayleigh number, Lew is number, So retnumber and Dufour number. In the aiding buoyancy, tangential velocity f' increases steeply with an in crease in the parameters of non-linear temperature and concentration (a2 & a1), when the inertial effect is zero. But, when it is non-zero, the effect of a2 or a1 on f' is marginal. The concen tration distribution varies appreciably and spreads in different ranges for different values of double dispersion parameters, inertial effect parameter and also for parameters which control non-linear temperature and concentration. Heat and masstrans fervary extensively with an increase in a1 and a2 depending on Dacry and non-Darcy porous medium. Variation in heat and masstrans fer when all the effects (inertial effect, double dispersion effects and Soret and Dufour effects) are smiultan eously zero and non-zero and com bined effect of param eters of non-linear temperature and concentration and Buoyancy are analyzed. The effect of a1 and a2 and also the cross diffusion effects on heat and masstran sferare observed to be more in Darcy porous medium com pared to non-Darcy porous medium. In the opposing buoyancy, it is observed that the effect of a1 is to in crease the heat and masstran sferrate, whereas that of a2 is to decrease.