Chen Liqun, Lin Yanzhu. Control of the Lorenz Chaos by the Exact Linearization[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1998, 19(1): 62-69.
Citation: Chen Liqun, Lin Yanzhu. Control of the Lorenz Chaos by the Exact Linearization[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1998, 19(1): 62-69.

Control of the Lorenz Chaos by the Exact Linearization

  • Received Date: 1996-05-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 1997-05-21
  • Publish Date: 1998-01-15
  • Controlling chaos in the Lorenz system with a controllable Rayleigh number is investigated by the sate space exact linearization method. Based on proving the exact linearizability, the nonlinear feedback is utilized to design the transformation changing the original chaotic system into a linear controllable one so that the control is realized. A numerical example of control is prsented.
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    通讯作者: 陈斌,
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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