Deng Lei, Ding Xie-ping. Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings on Star-Shaped Subsets of a Convex Metric Space[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1992, 13(2): 121-127.
Deng Lei, Ding Xie-ping. Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings on Star-Shaped Subsets of a Convex Metric Space[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1992, 13(2): 121-127.
Deng Lei, Ding Xie-ping. Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings on Star-Shaped Subsets of a Convex Metric Space[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1992, 13(2): 121-127.
Deng Lei, Ding Xie-ping. Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings on Star-Shaped Subsets of a Convex Metric Space[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1992, 13(2): 121-127.
In this paper,we give some characteristic properties of star-shaped sets which include a subset of a convex metric space.Using the characteristic properties,we discuss the ezistence problems of fized points of nonezpansive type mappings on star-shaped subsets of convex metric spaces, which generalize the recent results obtained by Ding Xie-ping, Beg and Azam. Finally, we give an ezample which shows that our generalizations are essential.