Wong Chia-ho. An Approach to Determine the Stable Interval of the Constant Term of a Characteristic Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1981, 2(6): 659-670.
Wong Chia-ho. An Approach to Determine the Stable Interval of the Constant Term of a Characteristic Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1981, 2(6): 659-670.
Wong Chia-ho. An Approach to Determine the Stable Interval of the Constant Term of a Characteristic Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1981, 2(6): 659-670.
Wong Chia-ho. An Approach to Determine the Stable Interval of the Constant Term of a Characteristic Equation[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 1981, 2(6): 659-670.
In this paper, an approach is introduced to determine the stable interval of the constant term of a characteristic equation by using the theory of extended graphical representation of polynomials. Because the constant an itself is not taken into account and because this method is to get a stable interval of an, not merely to make a stability test for a set of known coefficients, this method of stability criteria has some advantages over the others. The interval of an can be obtained from the calculation of some algebraical expressions when n≤10 where n is the degree of the characteristic equation. It is very convenient to calculate for the cases n=5 and n=6. When n≥11, this interval can be found only by the method of numerical solutions.