Improved Quasi-Steady-State Approximation Analysis of Stefan Problems Under 2nd-Kind Boundary Conditions
Abstract:Improved quasi-steady-state approximation solutions were obtained for Stefan problems under the 2nd-kind boundary conditions, both in Cartesian and cylindrical coordinates, based on the traditional quasi-steady state approximation and the 1st law of thermodynamics. For the Cartesian coordinate condition, the solution has high accuracy, and is convenient for practical use for its explicit form. For the cylindrical coordinate solution, the presented approximation solution is the only solution reported in the related literatures. The proposed improved solutions take sensible heat into consideration and greatly promote the accuracy of traditional methods, and enrich the analysis methods for the Stefan problems, with definite physical meaning of a useful reference for quick preliminary calculation of practical problems.
表 1 几种近似解误差对比(以S=1时的Fo作为对比指标)
Table 1. Comparison of different approximate solutions (Fo as the index for S=1)
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