Topology Optimization Design of Heat Convection Problems With Variable-Density Cells
摘要: 为获得优异的散热结构设计,发展了一种基于腐蚀-扩散算子的变密度胞元层级结构设计方法. 通过腐蚀-扩散算子得到了一系列拓扑相似但体积分数不同的变密度微结构,计算并拟合得到变密度微结构等效热传导系数曲线. 在此基础上,采用移动渐近线法更新宏观设计变量,将变密度微结构植入相应体积分数的宏观单元中完成装配. 通过数值算例对不同优化方法下温度场的热柔顺度、平均温度、方差等参数进行了比较分析,结果表明,变密度胞元层级结构比传统单尺度胞元结构和周期胞元结构具有更好的散热性能.Abstract: The method of designing cell structures with variable-density cells based on erode-dilate operators was applied to the optimization of thermal structures. A series of variable-density microstructures with the same topology definition but different volume fractions were obtained with erode-dilate operators. Then, the thermal conductivity of the variable-density cells was extracted and the equivalent thermal conductivity fitting curve was obtained. After this, the method of moving asymptotes was used to update macro design variables, and the variable-density microstructure was implanted into the macroscopic unit of the corresponding volume fraction to complete the assembly. Numerical examples were given to compare and analyze the thermal compliance, the mean temperature, the variance and other parameters of the temperature fields with different optimization methods. The results show that, variable-density cell structures have better heat dissipating performance than traditional single-scale cell structures and periodic cell structures.
表 1 不同策略优化结果的结构散热性能
Table 1. Thermal performances of structures optimized by different strategies
compliance average temperature maximum temperature variance microstructural library ① 3.541 1E4 3.374 1E2 1.094 8E3 4.751 1E4 microstructural library ② 3.133 7E4 2.977 8E2 1.043 3E3 4.033 0E4 microstructural library ③ 3.303 3E4 3.126 1E2 1.001 9E3 4.125 8E4 the single macro-scale design 4.963 6E4 4.757 3E2 1.170 6E3 7.221 5E4 -
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