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樊召帅 葛树宏 岳增申 彭宇翔 焦建凯 刘建华 张钱城

樊召帅, 葛树宏, 岳增申, 彭宇翔, 焦建凯, 刘建华, 张钱城. 侧向强动冲击下冲击位置对薄壁圆柱壳动态响应的影响[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 175-186. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450074
引用本文: 樊召帅, 葛树宏, 岳增申, 彭宇翔, 焦建凯, 刘建华, 张钱城. 侧向强动冲击下冲击位置对薄壁圆柱壳动态响应的影响[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 175-186. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450074
FAN Zhaoshuai, GE Shuhong, YUE Zengshen, PENG Yuxiang, JIAO Jiankai, LIU Jianhua, ZHANG Qiancheng. Effects of Impact Positions on Dynamic Responses of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells Under Lateral Shock Loadings[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 175-186. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450074
Citation: FAN Zhaoshuai, GE Shuhong, YUE Zengshen, PENG Yuxiang, JIAO Jiankai, LIU Jianhua, ZHANG Qiancheng. Effects of Impact Positions on Dynamic Responses of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells Under Lateral Shock Loadings[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 175-186. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450074


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450074

国家自然科学基金 12072250


    樊召帅(1999—),男,硕士生(E-mail: fanzhaoshuai@126.com)


    岳增申(1997—),男,博士生(通讯作者. E-mail: yuezengshen@163.com)

  • 中图分类号: O347

Effects of Impact Positions on Dynamic Responses of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Shells Under Lateral Shock Loadings

  • 摘要: 采用有限元分析软件ABAQUS/Explicit研究泡沫子弹侧向冲击的冲击位置(偏置比)对Q235钢薄壁圆柱壳动态响应行为的影响. 基于已有的实验结果,验证了有限元模型的准确性,并通过该模型对比分析了不同偏置比下圆柱壳的动态变形演化、冲击侧与后侧冲击区域中心点的挠度值和圆柱壳的最终变形模式. 研究发现冲击侧冲击区域中心点的挠度均与冲击方向一致,而后侧冲击区域中心点的挠度均与冲击方向相反;圆柱壳的不对称变形模式随着偏置比的增大而更加明显. 进一步地,讨论了不同偏置比下,约束形式、初始动量及长径比对圆柱壳抗冲击能力的影响,结果表明,无论何种约束形式和初始动量大小,偏置比的增大降低了圆柱壳两侧冲击区域中心点挠度的绝对值,同时也减缓了后侧冲击区域中心点挠度在长径比影响下从凹陷到凸起的转变过程. 这种增强机制主要在于偏置比的增大显著提升了边界条件对圆柱壳的约束作用.
  • 图  1  泡沫子弹偏置冲击金属薄壁圆柱壳的二分之一有限元模型

    Figure  1.  The one-half finite element model for the foam projectile eccentrically impacting the metallic thin-walled cylindrical shell

    图  2  泡沫子弹偏置冲击金属薄壁圆柱壳几何模型示意图

    Figure  2.  Sketch of the geometric model for the foam projectile eccentrically impacting the metallic thin-walled cylindrical shell

    图  3  泡沫铝的准静态压缩工程应力-应变曲线[29]


    Figure  3.  Quasi-static compressive engineering stress vs. engineering strain curves of the aluminum (Al) foam[29]

    图  4  实验测得薄壁圆柱壳破坏模式[29]与本文仿真结果的对比

    Figure  4.  Comparison of experimentally measured failure modes of thin-walled cylindrical shells[29] and the simulation results

    图  5  实验测得薄壁圆柱壳中心点最终挠度值[29]与本文仿真结果的对比

    Figure  5.  Comparison of the experimentally measured permanent mid-point deflections of thin-walled cylindrical shells [29] and the simulation results

    图  6  不同偏置比下薄壁圆柱壳在初始动量Mp=10.01 kPa · s作用下的动态变形演化

    Figure  6.  Dynamic deformation evolutions of thin-walled cylindrical shells under initial momentum Mp=10.01 kPa · s with different impact offset ratios

    图  7  金属薄壁圆柱壳受侧向泡沫子弹在不同偏置比下冲击的数值仿真结果

    Figure  7.  Numerical simulation results of metallic thin-walled cylindrical shells laterally impacted by foam projectiles at different impact offset ratios

    图  8  金属薄壁圆柱壳在不同偏置比下受泡沫子弹侧向冲击的最终变形模式

    Figure  8.  Final deformation modes of metallic thin-walled cylindrical shells laterally impacted by foam projectiles at different impact offset ratios

    图  9  不同约束形式下冲击侧和后侧冲击中心点挠度值与偏置比的关系

    Figure  9.  Effects of impact offset ratios on the center-point deflections on impact and rear sides of the metallic thin-walled cylindrical shell under different constraints

    图  10  不同初始动量下冲击侧和后侧中心点挠度值与偏置比的关系

    Figure  10.  Effects of impact offset ratios on the center-point deflections on impact and rear sides of the metallic thin-walled cylindrical shell under different initial impact momentums

    图  11  不同偏置比下冲击侧和后侧中心点挠度值与长径比的关系

    Figure  11.  Effects of length-to-diameter ratios on the center-point deflections of impact and rear sides of the metallic thin-walled cylindrical shell under different impact offset ratios

    表  1  Q235钢的J-C塑性模型参数

    Table  1.   The J-C plasticity model parameters of Q235

    material ρ/(kg/m3) E/GPa νe A/MPa B/MPa n C $\dot{\varepsilon}_0$/s-1
    Q235 7 800 200 0.3 293.8 230.2 0.578 0.065 2 0.002 1
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