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陈青 黄志强 孔祥伟 何弦桀 徐洲 安果涛

陈青, 黄志强, 孔祥伟, 何弦桀, 徐洲, 安果涛. 基于多录井参数特征同步的溢流事故监测研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 241-253. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450125
引用本文: 陈青, 黄志强, 孔祥伟, 何弦桀, 徐洲, 安果涛. 基于多录井参数特征同步的溢流事故监测研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 241-253. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450125
CHEN Qing, HUANG Zhiqiang, KONG Xiangwei, HE Xianjie, XU Zhou, AN Guotao. Study on Overflow Accident Monitoring Based on Synchronous Features of Multiple Well Logging Parameters[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 241-253. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450125
Citation: CHEN Qing, HUANG Zhiqiang, KONG Xiangwei, HE Xianjie, XU Zhou, AN Guotao. Study on Overflow Accident Monitoring Based on Synchronous Features of Multiple Well Logging Parameters[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 241-253. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450125


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450125

国家自然科学基金 51904261


    陈青(1997—),男,博士生(E-mail: chenq.st@yangtzeu.edu.cn)


    孔祥伟(1982—),男,教授,博士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: 501074@yangtzeu.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: O368;O29

Study on Overflow Accident Monitoring Based on Synchronous Features of Multiple Well Logging Parameters

  • 摘要: 依据录井参数进行溢流事故的判断十分依赖坐岗人员的经验,且现场采集的综合录井参数信噪严重,参数变化特征不明显,溢流监测准确率低. 通过低通滤波处理和局部加权线性回归,去除现场综合录井参数曲线的高频信号和低频信噪,经归一化处理,得到了多参数同步的溢流识别方法,并结合GCN图形匹配和BRNN双向传递的特点,建立了GCN-BRNN相融合的模型,提高了溢流事故监测的准确率. 结果表明,通过局部加权线性回归处理后能够使曲线变化特征更加明显,且归一化后的多参数同步监测比单一参数监测的准确率更高;以川西某井的综合录井数据为例进行溢流识别测试,与原先模型相比,结合后的模型溢流识别准确率更高,可达到85%;储层特征会影响录井参数的采集精度,储层分布结构越均匀、性质越稳定,溢流监测的准确率越高. 经JT井现场应用,溢流事故识别准确率≥89%,实际溢流风险与模型识别结果一致. 该方法能有效处理多源信息间的冲突,提高溢流监测的识别精度,对现场结合录井参数的溢流事故监测方法具有指导意义.
  • 图  1  GNN结构

    Figure  1.  The graph neural network architecture

    图  2  BRNN结构

    Figure  2.  The bidirectional recurrent neural network architecture

    图  3  求解流程

    Figure  3.  The solving flowchart

    图  4  溢流段录井数据滤波处理


    Figure  4.  Filtered logging data for the overflow section

    图  5  溢流段录井数据LOESS处理

    Figure  5.  LOESS processing of overflow section logging data

    图  6  溢流段录井参数局部特征曲线

    Figure  6.  Local feature curves of logging parameters in the overflow section

    表  1  多井历史综合录井数据

    Table  1.   Multi-well historical composite well logging data

    time /s standpipe pressure /MPa total hydrocarbons (×10-6) mud pit volume /m3 inlet-outlet flow differential /(L·s-1)
    0 10.09 0.62 100.54 0.6
    20 10.41 0.64 100.56 0.66
    40 10.57 0.75 100.52 0.66
    60 10.99 1.08 100.29 0.51
    80 11.11 1.36 100.29 0.74
    100 11.21 1.55 100.21 0.78
    120 11.3 1.59 100.11 0.86
    140 11.35 1.58 100.02 0.9
    160 11.39 1.46 100.08 0.85
    180 11.27 1.35 100.05 0.9
    200 11.4 1.35 100.08 0.88
    220 11.32 1.42 100.06 0.85
    240 11.4 1.39 100.03 0.85
    260 11.36 1.33 100.06 0.86
    280 11.34 1.27 100.15 0.81
    300 11.34 1.23 100.05 0.8
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    表  2  溢流发生后特征参数变化分析

    Table  2.   Analysis of feature parameter changes after overflow occurrence

    feature parameter change characteristics after overflow occurrence reason
    standpipe pressure decrease overflow intrusion reduces static fluid column pressure
    total hydrocarbons increase overflow is often accompanied by abnormal increases in total hydrocarbons content and gas composition of various hydrocarbon classes
    inlet-outlet flow differential increase overflow intrusion into annulus causes gas volume expansion, displacing drilling fluid
    total pit volume increase formation fluids intrude into annulus, increasing return volume
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    表  3  模型最终预测结果对比

    Table  3.   Comparison of final predicted results from models

    model P R F1 δAcc
    GCN 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.64
    BRNN 0.75 0.77 0.76 0.77
    GCN-BRNN 0.8 0.85 0.83 0.85
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    表  4  部分井历史数据识别结果

    Table  4.   Identification results of partial well historical data

    well ID reservoir type overflow frequency identified overflow frequency accuracy /%
    PZ1-X shale 11 10 91
    GS1-Y carbonate rock 16 15 94
    YT2-X sandstone 6 6 100
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    表  5  JT井模型应用情况

    Table  5.   The application status of the JT well model

    depth /m time abnormal type occurrences /s warnings early warning accuracy /%
    5 275.88~5 282.20 2023-06-28 overflow 2 2 78(yes) 100
    5 284.33~5 303.40 2023-06-30 overflow 3 3 42(yes) 100
    5 305.75~5 318.19 2023-07-09 overflow 4 4 83(yes) 100
    5 319.11~5 324.92 2023-07-11 overflow 8 9 60(yes) 89
    5 326.36~5 413.26 2023-07-12 overflow 5 5 80(yes) 100
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