Intelligent Crack Recognition Based on XFEM and GA-BP Neural Networks
Abstract:Based on the extended finite element method (XFEM) and the error back propagation (BP) multilayer feedforward neural network algorithm optimized by the genetic algorithm (GA), an inverse analysis model for identifying cracks in structures was established. The GA-BP neural network was trained by the displacement data of measuring points obtained by the XFEM forward analysis, and the network was used for crack inverse identification. The feasibility and accuracy of the model were verified with 2 typical examples, and the effects of the mesh density, the measuring point layout and the input data noise on the accuracy of network recognition were discussed. The results show that, the proposed method can invert the geometric information of straight cracks, which is the major focus of linear elastic fracture mechanics, and has good noise tolerance. Besides, the GA-BP neural network has higher accuracy than the traditional BP neural network in general.
Key words:
- extended finite element method /
- genetic algorithm /
- BP neural network /
- inverse analysis /
- crack
表 1 不同网格下的
$ {K_{\rm I}} $ (单位:MPa·m1/2)Table 1.
$ {K_{\rm I}} $ for different meshes (unit: MPa·m1/2)XFEM solution reference solution 120 elements 435 elements 780 elements 1540 elements 2.5743
(1.50%)2.7639 表 2 测点坐标
Table 2. Coordinates of measuring points
number X Y number X Y 1 0.0000 0.7692 8 1.3000 6.0000 2 0.0000 1.5385 9 2.0000 5.2308 3 0.0000 2.3077 10 2.0000 4.4615 4 0.0000 3.6923 11 2.0000 3.6923 5 0.0000 4.4615 12 2.0000 2.3077 6 0.0000 5.2308 13 2.0000 1.5385 7 0.7000 6.0000 14 2.0000 0.7692 表 3 GA-BP神经网络对XA的训练输出结果
Table 3. Training results of the GA-BP neural network for XA
crack length a/m true XA training XA relative error ek/% 0.5 0.5000 0.5057 1.14 0.6 0.6000 0.6004 0.07 0.7 0.7000 0.6991 −0.13 0.8 0.8000 0.7996 −0.05 0.9 0.9000 0.9003 0.03 1.0 1.0000 1.0004 0.04 1.1 1.1000 1.0999 −0.01 1.2 1.2000 1.1994 −0.05 1.3 1.3000 1.2999 −0.01 1.4 1.4000 1.4010 0.07 表 4 BP与GA-BP神经网络预测的XA值
Table 4. Prediction of XA by BP and GA-BP neural networks
layout scheme of
measuring pointsnumber of
measuring pointsnumber of hidden
layer neuronstrue XA BP prediction
XArelative error
ek/%GA-BP prediction
XArelative error
ek/%1 14 4 1.5000 1.4756 1.63 1.4958 0.28 2 12 4 1.4968 0.21 1.4862 0.92 3 10 8 1.5977 6.51 1.4979 0.14 4 8 4 1.4911 0.59 1.4837 1.08 5 6 3 1.5210 1.40 1.4979 0.14 6 4 3 1.5518 3.45 1.4676 2.16 表 6 GA-BP神经网络对裂尖B坐标的训练值
Table 6. Training coordinates of crack tip B by the GA-BP neural network
crack length a/m true XB training XB true YB training YB 0.500 0.8768 0.8769 1.6768 1.6806 0.528 0.8868 0.8873 1.6868 1.6913 0.556 0.8968 0.8953 1.6968 1.6974 0.585 0.9068 0.9084 1.7068 1.7109 0.613 0.9168 0.9170 1.7168 1.7218 0.641 0.9268 0.9257 1.7268 1.7299 0.670 0.9368 0.9380 1.7368 1.7406 0.698 0.9468 0.9462 1.7468 1.7449 表 7 GA-BP神经网络对裂尖C坐标的训练值
Table 7. Training coordinates of crack tip C by the GA-BP neural network
crack length a/m true XC training XC true YC training YC 0.500 1.1232 1.1236 0.6768 0.6744 0.528 1.1132 1.1128 0.6868 0.6841 0.556 1.1032 1.1046 0.6968 0.6941 0.585 1.0932 1.0910 0.7068 0.7027 0.613 1.0832 1.0826 0.7168 0.7121 0.641 1.0732 1.0739 0.7268 0.7225 0.670 1.0632 1.0620 0.7368 0.7329 0.698 1.0532 1.0543 0.7468 0.7438 表 5 GA-BP神经网络对裂尖A坐标的训练值
Table 5. Training coordinates of crack tip A by the GA-BP neural network
crack length a/m true XA training XA true YA training YA 0.500 0.5232 0.5238 1.3232 1.3194 0.528 0.5132 0.5127 1.3132 1.3088 0.556 0.5032 0.5044 1.3032 1.3031 0.585 0.4932 0.4906 1.2932 1.2893 0.613 0.4832 0.4823 1.2832 1.2783 0.641 0.4732 0.4738 1.2732 1.2703 0.670 0.4632 0.4622 1.2632 1.2594 0.698 0.4532 0.4549 1.2532 1.2556 表 8 GA-BP神经网络对裂尖D坐标的训练值
Table 8. Training coordinates of crack tip D by the GA-BP neural network
crack length a/m true XD training XD true YD training YD 0.500 1.4768 1.4748 0.3232 0.3258 0.528 1.4868 1.4872 0.3132 0.3160 0.556 1.4968 1.4962 0.3032 0.3049 0.585 1.5068 1.5113 0.2932 0.2971 0.613 1.5168 1.5192 0.2832 0.2879 0.641 1.5268 1.5272 0.2732 0.2772 0.670 1.5368 1.5377 0.2632 0.2671 0.698 1.5468 1.5433 0.2532 0.2553 表 9 BP与GA-BP神经网络对裂尖A、B的预测值
Table 9. Prediction of crack tips A and B by BP and GA-BP neural networks
crack length a/m XA relative error ek/% YA relative error ek/% XB relative error ek/% YB relative error ek/% 0.726 true value 0.4432 − 1.2432 − 0.9568 − 1.7568 − BP 0.4465 0.74 1.2491 0.47 0.9558 0.11 1.7515 0.30 GA-BP 0.4435 0.07 1.2433 0.01 0.9564 0.04 1.7566 0.01 0.755 true value 0.4332 − 1.2332 − 0.9668 − 1.7668 − BP 0.4411 1.82 1.2534 1.64 0.9637 0.32 1.7482 1.05 GA-BP 0.4345 0.29 1.2336 0.03 0.9658 0.10 1.7663 0.03 0.783 true value 0.4232 − 1.2232 − 0.9768 − 1.7768 − BP 0.4350 2.79 1.2529 2.43 0.9729 0.40 1.7492 1.55 GA-BP 0.4264 0.77 1.2248 0.13 0.9739 0.30 1.7750 0.10 表 10 BP与GA-BP神经网络对裂尖C、D的预测值
Table 10. Prediction of crack tips C and D by BP and GA-BP neural networks
crack length a/m XC relative error ek/% YC relative error ek/% XD relative error ek/% YD relative error ek/% 0.726 true value 1.0432 − 0.7568 − 1.5568 − 0.2432 − BP 1.0454 0.22 0.7541 0.36 1.5492 0.49 0.2446 0.56 GA-BP 1.0436 0.04 0.7567 0.02 1.5563 0.03 0.2433 0.05 0.755 true value 1.0332 − 0.7668 − 1.5668 − 0.2332 − BP 1.0390 0.56 0.7656 0.16 1.5495 1.11 0.2306 1.10 GA-BP 1.0342 0.10 0.7664 0.05 1.5658 0.06 0.2336 0.17 0.783 true value 1.0232 − 0.7768 − 1.5768 − 0.2232 − BP 1.0318 0.84 0.7753 0.19 1.5492 1.75 0.2196 1.59 GA-BP 1.0262 0.29 0.7752 0.21 1.5739 0.19 0.2248 0.72 -
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