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刘泽斌 李海艳 詹宏远 梁桂铭

刘泽斌, 李海艳, 詹宏远, 梁桂铭. 基于模态自适应的大变形多体系统动力学分析[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(11): 1366-1377. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430368
引用本文: 刘泽斌, 李海艳, 詹宏远, 梁桂铭. 基于模态自适应的大变形多体系统动力学分析[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2023, 44(11): 1366-1377. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430368
LIU Zebin, LI Haiyan, ZHAN Hongyuan, LIANG Guiming. Dynamics Analysis of Large-Deformation Flexible Multibody Systems Based on the Adaptive Modal Selection Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(11): 1366-1377. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430368
Citation: LIU Zebin, LI Haiyan, ZHAN Hongyuan, LIANG Guiming. Dynamics Analysis of Large-Deformation Flexible Multibody Systems Based on the Adaptive Modal Selection Method[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2023, 44(11): 1366-1377. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430368


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.430368

国家自然科学基金项目 51375297


    刘泽斌(1997—),男,硕士生(E-mail: 19516931@qq.com)


    李海艳(1974—),女,副教授(通讯作者. E-mail: cathylhy@gdut.edu.cn)

  • 中图分类号: TP182;TH113.2+2;O313.7

Dynamics Analysis of Large-Deformation Flexible Multibody Systems Based on the Adaptive Modal Selection Method

  • 摘要: 柔性大变形系统在进行模态降阶时,若模态选取不当,会影响求解精度甚至导致求解结果发散.对此,提出了基于绝对节点坐标法(ANCF)的柔性大变形系统模态自适应选择方法.通过ANCF梁单元建立系统的动力学模型;利用全模态稀疏表示内部区域的坐标;根据Latin超立方抽样构建采样矩阵,作用于动力学方程,以减少方程的数量;以采样后的动力学方程作为约束,构造模态坐标范数优化问题;求解优化问题可以得到具有重大贡献的模态.通过两个实例表明:数值计算结果与常用方法的结果高度吻合并且求解效率显著提升.
  • 图  1  梁部件k的初始构型和当前构型

    Figure  1.  Undeformed and deformed configurations of beam component k

    图  2  梁单元i的初始构型和当前构型

    Figure  2.  Undeformed and deformed configurations of beam element i

    图  3  GGN算法流程图

    Figure  3.  The flowchart for the GGN algorithm

    图  4  自由落体单摆

    Figure  4.  The free falling pendulum

    图  5  不同时刻柔性单摆构型

    Figure  5.  Configurations of the free falling pendulum at different moments

    图  6  单摆自由端的垂直位置

    Figure  6.  Vertical positions of the free end of the pendulum

    图  7  提出的方法在不同时间步长下对模态的自适应选择(单摆)

    Figure  7.  Adaptive selection of modal coordinates with the proposed method for different time steps(pendulum)

    图  8  全局坐标系下的3-RRR并联机器人示意图

    Figure  8.  Geometry and global coordinates of the 3-RRR mechanism

    图  9  在不同时刻的机构构型

    Figure  9.  Configurations of the mechanism at different moments

    图  10  移动平台在xy方向上的位移以及转角θ

    Figure  10.  Rotation angle θ and displacements in directions x and y of the platform

    图  11  提出的方法在不同时间步长下对模态的自适应选择

    Figure  11.  Adaptive selection of modal coordinates with the proposed method for different time steps

    表  1  单摆的几何与材料参数

    Table  1.   Geometry parameters and material parameters of the pendulum

    parameter value
    length l/m 1
    square sectional area A/m2 4×10-4
    Young’s modulus E/Pa 7×105
    density ρ/(kg/m3) 7.2×103
    moment of inertia I/m4 1.333×10-8
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    表  2  单摆传统ANCF和所提出方法的计算效率(单位: s)

    Table  2.   Computation efficiency of the ANCF and the proposed method for pendulums (unit: s)

    model matrix operation updated Jacobian matrix, stiffness matrix and residue etc total time
    ANCF 176.411 598.334 787.071
    proposed 118.341 412.514 531.855
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    表  3  机构的几何与材料参数

    Table  3.   Geometry parameters and material parameters of the mechanism

    material parameter driving link passive link member length l/m
    thickness T/m 0.01 0.005 driving link 0.245
    width W/m 0.03 0.01 passive link 0.242
    Young’s modulus E/Pa 2.01×1011 7×108 moving stage 0.112
    density ρ/(kg/m3) 2.7×103 2.7×103 fixed stage 0.400
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    表  4  传统ANCF和所提出方法的计算效率(单位: s)

    Table  4.   Computation efficiency of the ANCF and the proposed method (unit: s)

    model matrix operation updated Jacobian matrix, stiffness matrix and residue etc total time
    ANCF 566.283 6 766.148 1 390.966
    proposed 184.131 223.639 421.281
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