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乔海青 鲍四元 邓子辰 王博

乔海青, 鲍四元, 邓子辰, 王博. 高阶等参元在薄膜结构自由振动中的应用[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 187-198. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450025
引用本文: 乔海青, 鲍四元, 邓子辰, 王博. 高阶等参元在薄膜结构自由振动中的应用[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2025, 46(2): 187-198. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450025
QIAO Haiqing, BAO Siyuan, DENG Zichen, WANG Bo. Application of High-Order Isoparametric Elements in Free Vibration of Membrane Structures[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 187-198. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450025
Citation: QIAO Haiqing, BAO Siyuan, DENG Zichen, WANG Bo. Application of High-Order Isoparametric Elements in Free Vibration of Membrane Structures[J]. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2025, 46(2): 187-198. doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450025


doi: 10.21656/1000-0887.450025

国家自然科学基金 12172282


    乔海青(1999—),男,硕士生(E-mail: 2640403550@qq.com)


    鲍四元(1980—),男,副教授,博士,硕士生导师(通讯作者. E-mail: bsiyuan@126.com)

  • 中图分类号: O327

Application of High-Order Isoparametric Elements in Free Vibration of Membrane Structures

(Contributed by DENG Zichen, M.AMM Editorial Board)
  • 摘要: 薄膜结构是工程中广泛应用的结构之一,其自振特性的理论解与三角函数族有关,采用常规低阶单元分析时,有限元解精度不高. 虽然h型有限元法将结构的网格细化后可提高有限元解的精度,但是其前处理相对困难,如果细化网格时出现畸变网格,那么有限元解的精度可能降低. 基于p型有限元法构造两种用于研究薄膜结构自由振动特性的四边形高阶等参元,即节点数为16的Q16等参元和节点数为13的Q13等参元. 不同形状和不同边界条件的薄膜结构算例表明,所提单元较常规低阶等参元有较快的收敛速率和较高的精度及计算效率.
    1)  (我刊编委邓子辰来稿)
  • 图  1  单元的映射关系

    Figure  1.  Mapping relationships of the elements

    图  2  三边固定一边自由的方膜

    Figure  2.  A square membrane with 3 fixed sides and 1 free

    图  3  三边固定一边自由方膜前6阶振型


    Figure  3.  The 1st 6 modes of a membrane with 3 sides fixed and one side free

    图  4  裂缝薄膜结构

    Figure  4.  A square membrane with an inside crack

    图  5  裂缝薄膜前3阶振型

    Figure  5.  The 1st 3 modes of a square membrane with an inside crack

    图  6  环扇形薄膜

    Figure  6.  An annular membrane

    图  7  环扇形薄膜前6阶振型

    Figure  7.  The 1st 6 modes of the annular membrane

    表  1  三边固定一边自由方膜的前10阶自振频率(基于Q13、Q9、Q8和Q4)(单位: Hz)

    Table  1.   The 1st 10 natural frequencies of the 3-sides-fixed and one-side-free membrane based on Q13, Q9, Q8 and Q4 (unit: Hz)

    N-F(m, n) element type
    Q13 Q9
    1(m=1, n=1) 0.342 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340
    2(m=2, n=1) 0.556 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549
    3(m=1, n=2) 0.647 0.631 0.627 0.627 0.627 0.627 0.628 0.627
    4(m=2, n=2) 0.831 0.768 0.761 0.761 0.761 0.761 0.762 0.761
    5(m=3, n=1) 0.904 0.829 0.820 0.819 0.820 0.820 0.821 0.819
    6(m=1, n=3) 1.399 0.949 0.926 0.926 0.926 0.926 0.929 0.926
    7(m=3, n=2) - 1.048 0.975 0.974 0.974 0.974 0.977 0.974
    8(m=2, n=3) - 1.064 1.021 1.021 1.021 1.021 1.024 1.021
    9(m=4, n=1) - 1.164 1.109 1.108 1.109 1.109 1.113 1.108
    10(m=3, n=3) - 1.265 1.190 1.188 1.189 1.189 1.193 1.188
    time cost /s 3.25 5.85 24.66 122.75 46.69 42.19 182.17 -
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    表  2  三边固定一边自由方膜的前10阶自振频率(基于Q16、Q9、Q8和Q4) (单位: Hz)

    Table  2.   The 1st 10 natural frequencies of the 3-sides-fixed and one-side-free membrane based on Q16, Q9, Q8 and Q4 (unit: Hz)

    N-F(m, n) element type
    Q16 Q9
    1(m=1, n=1) 0.342 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340 0.340
    2(m=2, n=1) 0.550 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549 0.549
    3(m=1, n=2) 0.646 0.627 0.627 0.627 0.627 0.627 0.628 0.627
    4(m=2, n=2) 0.776 0.761 0.761 0.761 0.761 0.761 0.762 0.761
    5(m=3, n=1) 0.828 0.820 0.820 0.819 0.820 0.820 0.821 0.819
    6(m=1, n=3) 0.993 0.926 0.926 0.925 0.926 0.926 0.929 0.926
    7(m=3, n=2) 1.160 0.974 0.974 0.974 0.974 0.974 0.977 0.974
    8(m=2, n=3) 1.282 1.021 1.021 1.021 1.021 1.021 1.024 1.021
    9(m=4, n=1) 1.719 1.109 1.109 1.108 1.109 1.109 1.113 1.108
    10(m=3, n=3) 1.804 1.189 1.189 1.188 1.189 1.189 1.193 1.188
    time cost /s 9.55 19.37 77.45 428.38 46.69 42.19 182.17 -
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    表  3  裂缝薄膜的前5阶特征值(基于Q13、Q9、Q8和Q4单元)

    Table  3.   The 1st 5 eigenvalues of the cracked membrane based on Q13, Q9, Q8 and Q4

    N-F element type
    Q13 Q9
    1 8.842 2 8.726 3 8.539 2 8.454 6 8.563 7 8.580 8 8.464 7 8.371 3[22]
    2 16.999 2 16.815 2 16.648 5 16.645 6 16.644 3 16.644 4 16.685 5 16.645 3[22]
    3 31.107 5 28.807 3 27.996 6 27.977 9 27.979 7 27.979 7 28.098 2 27.977 7[5]
    4 33.498 5 32.188 4 31.024 0 30.759 0 31.049 5 31.093 7 30.916 2 30.536 4[5]
    5 63.512 3 44.514 7 42.798 4 42.551 3 42.696 7 42.718 2 42.845 3 42.447 9[5]
    time cost /s 3.42 5.53 19.91 77.70 244.89 125.58 178.03
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    表  4  裂缝薄膜的前5阶特征值(基于Q16、Q9、Q8和Q4单元)

    Table  4.   The 1st 5 eigenvalues of the cracked membrane based on Q16, Q9, Q8 and Q4

    N-F element type
    Q16 Q9
    1 8.652 0 8.597 0 8.476 5 8.423 8 8.563 7 8.580 8 8.464 7 8.371 3[22]
    2 16.940 1 16.792 6 16.647 4 16.645 4 16.644 3 16.644 4 16.685 5 16.645 3[22]
    3 29.159 8 28.500 7 27.994 8 27.977 8 27.979 7 27.979 7 28.098 2 27.977 7[5]
    4 32.424 9 31.835 6 30.853 0 30.676 6 31.049 5 31.093 7 30.916 2 30.536 4[5]
    5 45.050 7 43.884 1 42.725 3 42.513 4 42.696 7 42.718 2 42.845 3 42.447 9[5]
    time cost /s 9.20 17.15 66.36 269.39 244.89 125.58 178.03
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    表  5  环扇形薄膜的前10阶自振频率参数(基于Q13、Q9、Q8和Q4单元)

    Table  5.   The 1st 10 natural vibration frequency parameters of an annular membrane (based on Q13, Q9, Q8 and Q4)

    N-F element type
    Q13 Q9
    1 6.842 6 6.842 3 6.814 1 6.813 8 6.813 8 6.813 8 6.813 9 6.813 9 6.826 0 6.814 0
    2 8.313 3 8.301 0 8.267 3 8.266 8 8.266 7 8.266 7 8.266 9 8.266 8 8.291 6 8.267 0
    3 10.338 0 10.237 7 10.191 6 10.190 2 10.189 4 10.189 0 10.189 8 10.189 6 10.257 0 10.189 0
    4 12.537 2 12.407 7 12.323 0 12.320 4 12.314 5 12.311 9 12.314 5 12.314 1 12.467 2 12.311 0
    5 13.281 4 13.270 6 12.929 4 12.855 7 12.855 6 12.855 5 12.856 2 12.855 8 12.916 8 12.856 0
    6 14.330 5 14.168 6 13.816 7 13.742 7 13.742 4 13.742 3 13.743 1 13.742 6 13.809 4 13.742 0
    7 15.739 4 14.739 1 14.546 8 14.576 8 14.516 6 14.505 1 14.511 6 14.511 0 14.802 0 14.502 0
    8 16.943 0 15.710 6 15.198 1 15.112 3 15.110 6 15.110 1 15.111 4 15.110 7 15.207 8 15.110 0
    9 20.438 0 17.245 1 16.806 1 16.829 1 16.794 4 16.715 3 16.727 9 16.727 0 17.017 1 16.706 0
    10 24.941 9 17.922 7 16.987 4 16.854 1 16.845 1 16.841 8 16.844 7 16.843 8 17.216 0 16.841 0
    time cost /s 28.13 55.09 83.25 174.13 257.67 462.43 447.65 333.32 104.52 -
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    表  6  环扇形薄膜的前10阶自振频率参数(基于Q16、Q9、Q8和Q4单元)

    Table  6.   The 1st 10 natural vibration frequency parameters of an annular membrane(based on Q16, Q9, Q8 and Q4)

    N-F element type
    Q16 Q9
    1 6.842 2 6.842 2 6.814 1 6.813 8 6.813 8 6.813 8 6.813 9 6.813 9 6.826 0 6.814 0
    2 8.300 3 8.300 0 8.267 1 8.266 8 8.266 7 8.266 7 8.266 9 8.266 8 8.291 6 8.267 0
    3 10.233 1 10.228 9 10.190 6 10.190 1 10.189 3 10.189 0 10.189 8 10.189 6 10.257 0 10.189 0
    4 12.412 6 12.355 9 12.317 8 12.320 0 12.314 4 12.311 9 12.314 5 12.314 1 12.467 2 12.311 0
    5 13.267 0 13.267 1 12.929 4 12.855 7 12.855 6 12.855 5 12.856 2 12.855 8 12.916 8 12.856 0
    6 14.114 2 14.114 1 13.815 0 13.742 6 13.742 4 13.742 3 13.743 1 13.742 6 13.809 4 13.742 0
    7 14.667 0 14.549 7 14.522 7 14.574 9 14.516 1 14.505 1 14.511 6 14.511 0 14.802 0 14.502 0
    8 15.460 1 15.457 0 15.182 3 15.111 1 15.110 3 15.110 0 15.111 4 15.110 7 15.207 8 15.110 0
    9 17.101 6 16.762 2 16.803 9 16.823 3 16.792 9 16.715 2 16.727 9 16.727 0 17.017 1 16.706 0
    10 17.270 9 17.220 1 16.917 5 16.848 8 16.843 9 16.841 7 16.844 7 16.843 8 17.216 0 16.841 0
    time cost /s 72.13 144.05 214.37 444.51 661.42 1176.72 447.65 333.32 104.52 -
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